Slowing down

This summer has been filled with lots of sunny days, which means there’s a certain urgency when you paint to quickly capture the shifting shadows. Today’s clouds and rain felt like a bit of a relief. It was time to slow down and really look. And there is a different type of looking when you are drawing in tones instead of colour. A slower pattern of back and forth, of measuring one shape against another, of darks and lights, or horizontals and verticals. And a certain relaxed control that you have with a pencil that seems out of reach in watercolour because you are constantly teetering on the edge of disaster.


20 Comments on “Slowing down”

  1. Ross says:

    Great sketch… nice mood with a slightly somber feel that you have captured here. And don’t worry, I will just ignore the way the line of the horizon “steps” behind the second mast from the left. : )


    • Thanks Ross. My drawings are like those “Where’s Waldo?” books. Do you have those in Australia? There is always one mistake that is hidden in them (on purpose of course) for observant blog followers to spot.


      • Ross says:

        Yes, I have noticed that… usually, with your boats, it is the way that some of them look like they are taking on water… but, being such a sensitive and thoughtful person, I normally don’t say anything. : )
        And yes, we have those books… but in Australia they are called “Where’s Wally?”


  2. Jane Hannah says:

    Hi Shari — I am totally getting where you are coming from. Yes indeed, the act of slowing down is wonderful — thank you for this post, I needed it -)


  3. Mary says:

    Wow, Shari, you captured today’s mood perfectly and the slower paced drawing was perfectly
    described. When kayaking in the rain today i was wondering if you would go for all the greys
    in watercolour but your relaxed control with pencil is so soothing and a nice surprise 🙂
    Yes, watercolour can really make me tense without the confidence!


    • And you kayaked in the rain Mary. I hope you didn’t get caught in one of those big downpours!
      I did enjoy doing the pencil drawing and will be doing more of those now that school is starting and my painting time will be more limited.


      • Mary says:

        Wish i was as confident with watercolour as i am kayaking in the rain!
        It’s always lovely to see your pencil drawings Shari 🙂


  4. Carmen says:

    Love the sketch of the boats. You have inspired me to do more sketching. I was out this and really enjoyed. Thanks.


  5. Alison says:

    Truly beautiful. Your writing as well as the sketch. Feels like a bit if a metaphor for life these days.


  6. There’s truly something to be said for the humble pencil, which in this advanced digital age, can still be used to produce some strong and well-executed imagery. Great sketch and excellent technique.


  7. Lee Kline says:

    This was so instructive. Thanks.


  8. Liz Steel says:

    relaxed control vs constantly teetering on the edge of disaster…. love it! So true!


  9. Fleet Woodley says:

    Always love your pencil sketches. This one really captures a feeling.

    ~ Fleetwood


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