Snow panorama

I have been working with a limited palette for the past few days, trying out colours for my Urban Sketchers Barcelona workshop. I realize of course that I won’t be painting snow scenes, in Spain, in the summer, but one of the goals of the workshop is to use a limited palette to evoke mood and create harmony in your sketches. Last year I benefitted immensely from being a student at the Symposium and I am still trying out things that I learned there. And if you attend the workshop you have a choice of 20 different workshops with 24 instructors from around the world. What an opportunity! Every day on the Symposium site a new workshop description is posted along with a profile of the instructor. If you want to check out mine, here’s the link:


6 Comments on “Snow panorama”

  1. John Wright says:

    Despite this being a winter sketch I can see you are anticipating Barcelona colours. But please don’t be coy…what was the palette for this sketch? I’m having trouble with beige and sandstone ranges and would like to know BEFORE I go to Barcelona.

    • You are so right John. I should have mentioned the colours.
      Ultramarine blue, Alizarin crimson and Aureolin yellow. To get those sandstone colours you need to mix a little bit of each and then if it is too red, add a bit more yellow. Do it slowly because they are all quite intense on their own.
      Now go out and get the colours and then come to Barcelona!!

  2. John Wright says:

    Thanks Shari. This will be recorded in my notebook on the page designated to ‘Shari’s Tips’. I’m not joking. I’ m a nearly systematic guy and am working hard at this watercolour thing, so your little gems are very helpful. In fact, I’m so thorough that I may check to see if I own those tubes before I go to the art supply.

    sketch on

  3. Raynald Murphy says:

    Another wonderful snow scene, and Trevor has been my hero for years through his book which is dog eared, and I missed meeting Trevor personally in London a few years back when I per chance met a friend of his. I was too shy to ask if I could meet Trevor….what a regret!

    • I wish I owned this book. It’s from the library.
      I can’t believe your story — that must be a big regret. YOu could have been a guest artist with the Wapping Group!!

  4. Kathleen says:

    I love the idea of a limited palette! Your course description looks wonderful! Is there any possibility of you holding such a workshop for your Montreal fans?

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