New York Night

My special New York night was two weeks ago when I attended the American Watercolour Society dinner and received my signature status. It was a big deal for me, and my family surprised me the next night with some champagne and a really special gift — a gorgeous Pilot fountain pen. I’ve never owned a pen this beautiful, and now I understand why there are so many pen aficionados in the sketcher world. You kinda feel like a million bucks when you’re drawing with one of these.

Today I filled my pen with de Atramentis brown ink so I could draw this Helleborus, which was another special gift from friends who saw the AWS show in NYC. To commemorate these two gifts, I used my Pilot pen to sketch the plant. And I also recorded some info about the Helleborus (thoughtfully chosen for its name, no doubt) which blooms in early spring. I hope to draw it in bloom next year when the black-purple flowers are out. Sketched in my Hahnemuhle 100% cotton sketchbook while sitting outside in the sun.

76 Comments on “New York Night”

  1. Dan Killebrew says:

    Shari, congratulations for achieving signature status in AWS.

  2. Janice Kelly says:

    So pleased and proud of your achievement. Congratulations and enjoy your “stardom”.

  3. beth says:

    Congratulations on your much deserved AWS status!!! Love your sketch with your new pen too.

  4. susie langley says:

    Congratulations Shari. All the best! Susie

  5. Lori says:

    Congratulations Shari! How wonderful to be honoured, but ESPECIALLY at the Salmagundi Club!!! (Yes, I got the shivers when I saw your name on that list–residing with other personal heroes of mine!!!)
    So, I am cheering for you here in the Rockies, but with extra feet stomping from a former Montrealer!!!

  6. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations, Shari! And thanks for the beautiful illustration using your new pen!

  7. Jaci says:

    Congratulations! A beautiful (and well deserved) fountain pen. And another beautiful watercolor and ink painting!

  8. lois says:

    Congratulations to you, Shari, on both the status and the pen. And the artwork is, of course, lovely!

  9. Kate says:


  10. Germaine Niedzielski says:

    Congratulations, Shari, on your Signature Status with AWS at Salmagundi Club! An honor you certainly deserve. I am so happy for you!


  11. IRENE Reinhold says:

    Congratulations !!! So well deserved. I saw your painting last year at the Salmangundi gallery. As you know I love your work and your generosity in sharing so much. The Hellebore is my favorite garden spring plant. Enjoy the pen and the plant for many years to come.

  12. Sue Simoneau says:

    What a terrific and well deserved honor, Shari. You inspire us all.


  13. Kate Burroughs says:

    Congratulations on your signature status.

  14. ccaatt01 says:

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience

  15. Gerry Draper says:

    Congratulations! you deserve it. Your posts always encourage us to sketch – the mundane as well as the remarkable.🙂

  16. Liesa Miller says:

    Congratulations, Shari! Thanks for all the inspiration you share with so many of us.

  17. joantav says:

    Congratulations again!!! Glad you have a few gifts to keep the celebrating going. Love the sketch and the gorgeous pen!!

  18. Chris Rusk says:

    Congratulations! Fabulous colour and pen work – it bubbles with energy and electricity – so happy 🙂 Cheers!

  19. JoAnn R says:

    Congratulations, Shari, on this well-deserved achievement!

  20. Louise says:

    Congratulations on your achievement Shari. Lovely sketch of a beautifully apt gift, what a gorgeous flower! The brown ink looks superb.

  21. Cindy Cali says:

    Congratulations Shari… much deserved. You inspire so many of us. Enjoy your new sketching tool and your beautiful Helleborus!

  22. Christine Harney says:

    That is fantastic! Congratulations Shari! Well deserved. You continue to inspire me!

  23. katesqe5a6468c42 says:

    Congratulations! Great Helleborus sketch!

  24. Michele Meredith says:

    Big Congrats Shari. Its such a great acheivement!!!❤️

  25. beth says:

    how wonderful and huge congrats

  26. dlancasterlva says:

    Glad that you have these momentos and this honor. So deserved! Thanks for sharing this with your “extended” family

  27. Laura says:

    Congratulations! Those are two very lovely and thoughtful gifts. Your sketch is beautiful. I can’t wait to see your sketch of it in bloom.

  28. Mary Robbins says:

    Congratulations, Shari! Beautiful flower painting and the pen is beautiful too. Goulet Pens describes it as having the classic look of a 1960’s fountain pen which made me laugh because it’s way prettier and more elegant than the Sheaffer cartridge pens I wrote with in high school in the 60’s. Enjoy your honor and gifts. So deserving.

    • Mary, this pen is definitely a cut above those old ones from high school, but it does have a vintage look to it. Thanks so much for the kind words! Hope all is well with you!

  29. Ralph Bailey says:

    Great watercolour Shari- love the brown ink
    Ralph Bailey

  30. Pam says:

    Congratulations Shari! So well deserved!!

  31. Karen Kiddey says:

    Congratulations, Shari! So well deserved!!

  32. Cynthia Baird says:

    Congratulations! Well deserved honor.

  33. Beste Barki says:

    Congratulations, Shari. I feel your excitement!

  34. Lynn says:

    Congratulations!!! AWS!!!

  35. Ccrinne Murphy says:

    Fabulous honour, stunning plant, and a magnificent new pen to capture the glory forever? You are deeply respected and very well loved from all reports,,,a.k.a. “A Life Well Lived”…undoubtedly.

    Well deserved, dear Shari. Cheers and hearty congratulations to you! Thank you for sharing your big news with us.

  36. Connie says:

    Shari, Congratulations on the award with the American Watercolor Society. However, you have worked long and hard and it is no surprise you would receive this award. In addition, you have been so generous to the painting/sketching community sharing your talents. Blessings on you. Connie

  37. maureen says:

    Gorgeous Heloborus and that pen looks very smart.

  38. friedakam says:

    Lovely pen and lovely sketch! Congratulations with your signature status! Well deserved!💕

  39. Sue Pye says:

    You so deserve this status – congratulations Shari! I don’t comment much but I really enjoy following your journey and witnessing the wins. Thanks for bringing us along. 🙂

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