Chez Sauvé

If you want to get a good sketchable view of Casse-croûte Chez Sauvé, go on a Monday or Tuesday when it’s closed. During the rest of the week there’s a constant stream of cars parking in front of it, and you won’t be able to see the small building from across the street.

I’ve been wanting to sketch this Hudson institution for years, but it’s only now that I live nearby that I’ve been able to get here on the right day of the week. At lunchtime during spring and summer, it’s packed outside with people eating hot dogs and fries, which makes it perfect for people sketching, but if you want to sketch the classic snack bar exterior, then you need to go when it’s quiet. Because it’s on Main Road in Hudson, people still park in front of it, but luckily most everyone who saw the sketcher across the street moved their vehicles. The kindest one was the school bus driver who moved his big orange bus when he saw me, and then came over to see my sketch and chat. Hudson is a very friendly place, as I am finding out.

29 Comments on “Chez Sauvé”

  1. dlancasterlva says:

    You make me want to move there. Love reading about your sketching adventures-I struggle to find time to paint in my own back yard!

    • Denise, it’s hard for me too. I really have to force myself to get out there to sketch but I am so happy when I do it. In spring there’s so much to do outside!

  2. Connie says:

    All the Pointe-Claire and area yacht club sketches have been familiar territory, but so much fun to see your sketches in ‘my’ backyard – I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before my dog and I run into you and Alice in the sandpits!

    • Connie, I don’t know how many sandpits there are here but Alice and I walk around the one near my house almost every morning. And yesterday Alice had a little swim after a little walk on the bog boardwalk. I’m sure that you know where that is too. You have to say hello if you see us.

  3. Barbara says:

    Love your palette, all the warmth and depth of color. Do you use the same colors as the palettes in your online watercolor classes or do you have a lot of different paint boxes?

    • Hi Barbara,
      Thanks for writing! I have several palettes but they mostly have the same 18 colours. I have a small palette that holds 22 colours and a big one that holds that many too but the core 18 are always there.

  4. lois says:

    The bus driver who moved his bus and then walked over to see your sketch….that made me smile. Do many people walk over to see your drawings? I would!

  5. friedakam says:

    What a charming little café!

  6. friedakam says:

    I love the reflections in the windows ❤️

  7. beth says:

    A heart warming sketch and story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. Lori Zajic says:

    What a great piece! Love it 😍

  9. JoAnn R says:

    Canadians have a reputation for being polite; the bus driver even moved! 😉 Wonderful sketch as usual! ~JoAnn

  10. Monique says:

    Hudson IS a very friendly place and that painting is so wonderful!! Fabulous.Fabulous.

  11. Jean says:

    Thank you Shari for sketching in Hudson. My parents used to bring us kids there every summer for a few weeks in a rented cottage and we made lifelong friends there. It brings back wonderful memories for me, even with the changes along Main Road since the 1950s. I was sorry that the St James Church had a fire….i hope parts of it can be repaired.

    • Hi Jean, Hudson is a great town. I drove by that church the other day. Awful! I hope they can repair it too! I’m sure it’s very different from when you were there, but it’s still great.

  12. As usual, beautifully told, beautifully sketched, beautifully colored. Every time I read one of your blog entries. I am sure I will go out and sketch that day.

  13. maureen says:

    Looks like a fun place!

  14. Maria says:

    So dynamic! Just love those reds and greens! What a great subject!
    Makes me miss Buffalo where we had several great places like that for charcoal broiled hot dogs and curley cue fries… but not here in Rhode Island! Wish they would catch on!
    But I digress! Love your style!

  15. Maria B. says:

    So dynamic! What a great subject! Love the reds and greens!
    Reminds me of my home town, Buffalo. There were several great places for charcoal broiled hot dogs and curley cue fries!…but nothing like that here in Rhode Island! Wish they’d catch on!
    But I digress…your style and work is so inspiring!

  16. joantav says:

    This is such a great sketch capturing the charm and ambiance of the place! It was nice that people didn’t block your view. The opposite usually happens here. lol

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