The Queen of the square

There she was, silhouetted against the winter sky in all her tarnished bronze and granite glory. Queen Victoria, high atop her pedestal, reigning over her square in Old Montreal. I was so excited to be out of hibernation — to be sketching in downtown Montreal, to be out of the February rut of going from house to work to house again in the hopes of staying warm — that I fear I made the sovereign a little too big in proportion to the rest of the memorial. But from my view in the doorway of a building she seemed so stately and so grand, and I guess I used a bit of artistic license in my drawing. Sketched with a ballpoint pen in a Stillman & Birn Alpha sketchbook.



10 Comments on “The Queen of the square”

  1. Dee says:

    Really nice!

  2. Pat Brookes says:

    Perhaps her reputation and length of service to her country influenced her size! 😉

  3. AM Welsh says:

    Such nice line work!

  4. wrightottawa says:

    what fun! The warmer temperatures seemed to have loosened up your hand. And ballpoint too!

  5. Larry Zink says:

    Good value work. Brings out the bold contrast with the black and white. Good job!

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