On an open fire

There is nothing like music to help me get me through the piles of grading I have to do for end of term. All day I have been listening to an internet radio station that plays jazz standards and I think  Nat King Cole has made his way into my head…

And with that in mind I think it is also the time to wish everyone who follows these posts every day or every week or only occasionally a very wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. Thank you all for the encouragement and the supportive comments you send my way. I may take a bit of a rest from posting during the next few weeks although I will be continuing to draw and paint. See you in 2013!



40 Comments on “On an open fire”

  1. Lee Kline says:

    Lovely, as always, Shari. Have a happy Christmas and New Year.

  2. Marion Perrault says:

    your posts are a bright light in my day. Thank you for them.

    All best wishes for the season and the New Year. Marion

  3. John Wright says:

    I think its a good idea to go offline for a break Shari.

    Last night I was looking at a book of AY Jackson’s sketches. They are all pencil. Some have a lot of annotations. My observation was that my I have grown to put a lot of pressure on myself with the quality of my sketches. AY didn’t and they are wonderful because thet are grphic notes without expectation of judgement. So here’s what I’m thinking…draw lots, paint witout linework, or make colour notes, but not on anything bound or precious. Napkins, maybe a dollar store lined school notebook (like Lapin’s crazy accounting books) Think of of it as free time – artist’s play …quantity over quality. practice over perfection/doing vs product.

    just for 2 weeks

    that’s all – then you have a fans to satisfy !

    • John, if you were standing in front of me, I would give you a hug.
      I love that idea. And the freedom it represents.
      If the dollar store were open now I would go there. In fact, my students had some pretty nice books that they bought there this semester.
      So thank you for giving me this gift.
      Have a wonderful holiday!!

  4. Kelly Purcell says:

    All the best to you and the family Shari,I look forward everyday to what you have done. You deserve a rest,enjoy!

  5. Fleet Woodley says:

    So THAT’s what they look like! The chestnuts are great but the shadows are sublime!


  6. Nathalie says:

    Thanks so much for your daily gifts that are quite inspiring. Have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing more of your amazing work in 2013.

  7. Mrs. P says:

    You’ve inspired me to try to create art, even though it is not one of my god given talents, I will have to work at it. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to meeting up again, next year.

  8. Yvonne says:

    Enjoy your downtime, Shari, and have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones. I look forward to your inspiring artwork when you are ready to come back. Cheers!

  9. Ross C says:

    Oh, so that’s what chestnuts look like… do you realize that, even though we celebrate Christmas in hot, sweltering conditions, we still sing songs like that (as well as Let It Snow, Winter Wonderland, White Christmas, etc)… isn’t that strange?
    After 435 daily posts, I think you have truly earned a break… enjoy life away from the daily deadline of producing your wonderful blog. I am already looking forward to seeing you back here next year… in anticipation, I will be working hard on new commenting techniques over the next few weeks.

  10. Hetterbell says:

    I really enjoy seeing your posts.
    I bought a Nat “King” Cole Christmas CD this year and it makes me cry – in a good way. 🙂
    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🙂

  11. Katrin says:

    Have a wonderful very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Shari!! Great chestnuts!! Enjoy your break from the internet! I know, you’ll be back with fresh energy and creativity. I’m looking forward to it!!

  12. Pat says:

    Shari, Happy Holidays and all the best to you in 2013. You have been a daily inspiration to me and to many many others. You will never know all the positive influence you have tossed out there into the world. Now it’s time for you to take a break, fill the glass back up, and we will look forward to next year! Thanks a million,

  13. Joan Shouldice says:

    have a wonderful holiday and thank you for all the little delights you have given us all year long.

  14. Heather says:

    Beautiful! I really enjoy your blog. I’m in a watercolor class and your work inspires me to keep practicing. Thank you! Happy holidays!

  15. gail katz says:

    Hi Shari-Nat King Cole-deep and rich, and |I also am remembering Johnny Mathis-their music seems so perfect for these days. Up North, here in St. Sauveur, there is so much snow everywhere, and it just keeps on snowing big huge flakes, heavy with moisture, weighing down all of the trees and shrubbery-looking beyond what’s right in front of us are the mountains of the Laurentians, they seem to have a white wash over them, fading the farther back they go. I have started to do some photography, and also because I am inspired by my surroundings, and looking at your wonderful drawings and paintings.Thank you so much, it has truly been a gift- Have a happy and healthy holiday, and a wonderful New Year. Sincerely Gail Katz

    Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 22:14:53 +0000 To: gailmossekatz@hotmail.com

  16. Louise, Montréal says:

    Of course we want you to take a break Shari but will you ..If we continue to write to you in your blog ????

    Indeed, we have to let you go in a way but be assured that we will all keep you in our heart.
    As for us, we will all look at our pens, brushes, pencils, sketch books thinking of your wonderfull drawings and comments, which inspire us so much.

    Merci pour l’inspiration que vous nous donnez jour après jour.
    Bonnes et Joyeuses Fêtes. Bon repos aussi et au plaisir de vous lire.

  17. Don McNulty says:

    Hi Shari, Merry Christmas and all the best for 2013. Your blog, both the art and the comments are a joy. Thanks for your friendship. The Portland workshop was great.

    • Hi Don. I hope you have a wonderful holiday too and thanks for the good wishes.
      It feels very funny for me not to be posting but the rest is doing me lots of good.
      I am happy to have you as a friend too.

  18. Verla says:

    Thank you Shari for all your posts. I really look forward each day to see what you have done and you have inspired me to keep going on my watercolour sketchbook. I am amazed that you can keep up the pace so have a good rest and I will look forward to your next post, hopefully soon.

  19. Gina B. says:

    Best wishes to you too and thank you for brightening my Mondays throughout the year!


  20. Joan says:

    I have enjoyed your paintings and sketches.iwvish I had you resolve.thank you.Joan

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