Spray painted

Montrealers awoke this morning to a city that had been spray painted with snow — a silent and magical spectacle. I drove to Pointe Claire to find some trees by the lake and painted near the convent. As I drew, the nuns came out the side door, two by two, on their way to morning mass. I couldn’t really hear them from the car but I can probably venture to guess what they were talking about today.


10 Comments on “Spray painted”

  1. I made sure to take some photos of the tree in my front yard this morning – it looked amazing with the snow. I would love to try capturing it, but just now sure how! This sketch does give me some food for thought… although it still seems daunting. Your version looks great. Maybe I’ll just try a branch 😉

  2. Raynald Murphy says:

    Shari, sticky snow on the tree makes for great contrast doesn’t it? That touch of red and the nuns in blue are just what that scene needed to make it a 10 on 10! I had planned to do studio work today, but as I looked out the window this morning and saw my apple trees draped in white, I just had to head downtown. I found another highrise building from which to paint. Check out my flickr.

  3. Mrs. P says:

    This is beautiful!

  4. Ross C says:

    So, why is the snow “sprayed” like this?… is it wind driven snow?

  5. Lee Kline says:

    That wall is so well done. Love it.

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