Art tools and a little demo

If you haven’t heard of Parka Blogs, check it out. Parka reviews art books, posts his own great sketches (including his most recent trip to Cambodia) and writes about artist’s tools. For me, the most fascinating section is “Art tools and gears” because he interviews different artists about the supplies they use. Don’t you find it fascinating to read about what other artists carry in their sketch kits? I could spend hours examining photos to see the make of a special brush, or the colour of a tube of paint, as if finding out that information would hold the secret to being a better painter. This week Parka posted an interview with me which you can check out here. Thanks Parka! And as an addition to this I’ll do a post tomorrow about my palette of colours.


A couple of nights ago I was an invited guest at the Dollard Artists Association. I love doing these talks because it’s always a great opportunity to talk about Urban Sketchers and hopefully get a few new people to join our USk Montreal Sunday sketching group. It was a good turnout of artists for a cold January night and the giant bouquet of flowers they had for my demo was exactly as I had requested — COLOURFUL! It’s always a bit nerve-wracking to do a demo… So many people watching and so many chances to mess it up but you cross your fingers and hope for the best. Thanks to everyone in the group for a great welcome and for sending me photos of the event.




21 Comments on “Art tools and a little demo”

  1. Myra says:

    Love this Shari, how wonderful to see you in action!!

  2. Oh yes, I love to read about an artist’s creative process and snoop around their studios and supplies just to see what being an artist looks like and if I’m on the right track 😉 heading over to Parka Blogs a.s.a.p. thanks for the link, read you soon, Alexandra

  3. You are a real pro Shari. Beautifully done!

  4. Nell says:

    Fantastic!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Deb says:

    Just beautiful.

  6. Louise, Montréal says:

    Merci Shari.
    Thank you very much for all those info.

  7. Linda Daily says:

    What a great interview! I,too,love seeing what lurks inside an artist’s bag! I can hardly wait
    To see what you reveal about your color palette tomorrow.
    I also love seeing your lovely and lively flower demo as I will be trying to do the same on Sat.
    for my senior group at the gym!

  8. tmikeporter says:

    Great interview and answers. So helpful. We share many likes. I have finally listened to you and am going to spring for a good quality #12 sable. Wish I lived closer to participate in your events. Sooo, guess Barb and I have to return to Montreal. After all, I’ve just enrolled in a French class.

  9. Alex says:

    Shari, I was one of the onlookers at the Dollard Art group that you mentioned in your posting.
    I found the talk and demo very informative. You did a great job at explaining your process and answered all our questions about your artwork. I was very glad I was there that evening. I would also like to thank you for the links that you provide about Urban Sketchers. I liked reading the interviews about the artist and the tools they use.
    Keep up the great work

  10. Zoe says:

    It was a great interview at Parka. I follow the blog daily. I was thrilled to see the brushes you use, and shouldn’t have been surprised at the number of flats. You always do wonderful work.

  11. Ethna says:

    Hi Shari….the demo looked great…..I’d have loved to be one of those looking over your shoulder. Can you plese tell me the name of the sketchbook you were using………perhaps Stillman and Birn?

  12. Hillary says:

    Beautiful work and such helpful tips! It’s nice to see how other artists use and store their work for traveling outside of the home!

  13. Beautiful work! It’s so nice to see how other artists pack and travel with their tools. It’s helped me a lot as I was wondering how to use pans with tube pigments.

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