Farm melt

There isn’t much colour in the landscape today, but if you look carefully there’s a lot of beauty in the subtle hues of late winter. This was painted mostly with Raw Sienna and Indigo, with a bit of Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Sienna added in to warm things up. Size: 8″ x 12″.


48 Comments on “Farm melt”

  1. Jane Hannah says:

    OMG Shari! This is one of your most gorgeous ones ever! I love it -))) Good job. Hey! How come that you have the time to paint when I have to do the mid-semester assessments on this dreary afternoon? Just teasing… )


  2. Ron Wodaski says:

    I don’t often comment, but I just had to for this one. So beautiful. Really has tremendous sense of place. Love it. I enjoy everything you post, but this one stands out.


  3. That is so beautiful…
    And the light is very natural.
    Mille bravos!


  4. Cathy says:

    overwhelmed with a feeling of peace and quiet. Thank You


  5. hulahoopchickencoop says:

    Wow. I think I’ll start using less color. This is so lovely.


  6. carolyn says:

    so serene!


  7. Jeff Gold says:

    Very beautiful. It really creates a peaceful feeling. The vertical (trees) and horizontal (land forms and sky) elements lend a quietude and the implied diagonal of the water helps to draw the eye into the landscape. Beautiful and satisfying composition. So much to see and yet so direct. Brava!


  8. Wow! I so enjoy your paintings!


  9. croquedessin says:

    Splendid !


  10. Alison says:

    Wow! I continue to marvel at the beautiful tones that are achieved by mixing these hues. Wonderful composition, as always.


  11. Beautiful in its simplicity. It is a strong composition that does it too.
    Can you post how long you take on these paintings just as reference?
    Great work!


  12. Paul says:

    Just started following your blog a couple of months ago. Like Ron (above) I rarely comment but your watercolours are just gorgeous! I love the muted colours, masterful restraint in preserving the whites and use of darks. Just lovely :o)


  13. heatherdubreuil says:

    This is so beautiful, Shari! One of your best. I love the subtle colours you have achieved, warm and cool together, complementing each other so well.


  14. Tricia Culina says:

    You absolutely nailed it. This looks like the cumulation of a long winters work. It paid off. You have achieved such beauty.


  15. melisnorth says:

    Totally captured the feel of this winter scene, perfect palette for it.


  16. Terrific!, great! I’d like to copy it if I weren’t afraid to the Royal Canadian Mounted police.
    Perdon for my joke. I really like your composition, its colors and how has been rendered.


  17. SusanA says:

    I love the composition and color of this piece. I can feel the peace and quiet. Just beautiful.


  18. ali says:

    so good . simple and fascinating.


  19. So peaceful and well done~


  20. Really stunning…. gorgeous grays!


  21. I shy away from landscapes – sticking to animals, people and monsters (it’s a kid thing).
    I adore your artful landscape approach – your works are representative, yet artful, painterly and loose. You make me want to try landscape because one can easily see the love with which you paint.


  22. Connie Renaud says:

    Just a beautiful scene. I love it when you give a hint of the colours.


  23. Bonjour Shari,
    quel plaisir de venir régulièrement sur votre blog, vos aquarelles sont un véritable rafraîchissement pour les yeux. Quel simplicité !

    Sébastien Badia


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