Friday bouquet

The florist in my neighbourhood knows me by now. She recognizes the look I have in my eyes on these bleak and icy February days, when I come into the store looking for signs of spring. A few flowers, nothing fancy, just a bit of colour to get me through the next few months. I cut the stems too short on this bouquet and half the flowers ended up inside the vase, but no matter, I painted them anyway.

If you are looking for a drawing event this weekend, join Urban Sketchers Montreal for Sunday sketching. We are trying out a new venue this month: La Grande Bibliotheque. Meeting time is at 10 am and everyone is welcome. If you arrive late, just wander around and grab a seat near the closest person with a sketchbook.


25 Comments on “Friday bouquet”

  1. SusanA says:

    Shari, thanks for sharing this cheery breath of spring. Love your pinks and greens!

  2. Gayle says:

    Yes, I second that motion! Beautiful!

  3. ChesapkLady says:

    OMG, this is iconic Shari and I LOVE IT! Splatters and ink and blocks of color and . . . okay. TOMORROW, I promise I will go out and get a bouquet of my own, and try . . . something.
    Thank you, thank you.

  4. Gorgeous flowers, Shari!! Thanks for the signs of spring…I’m soooo ready for it to start! Love that you cut the flowers short…I always end up doing that. Lol But I think it made your sketch even more awesome with the pops of color throughout! 😉

  5. Janine says:

    Such a joyful, beautiful painting; I can feel your happiness in the colors and brushstrokes. :0)

  6. Monique says:

    A GLORIOUS bouquet..
    I bet you arrange flowers beautifully too.
    How pretty..right up my alley.

  7. Monique says:

    What size is it Shari?

  8. Tea Green says:

    This is a beautiful image, and I love how you did the vase edge and negative space. Inspirational!

  9. This reminds me of Charles Reid’s florals. Beautifully done, Shari!

  10. Janine says:

    OMG – Charles Reid!!! How did I miss that??? I just watched a five minute preview of one of his videos and immediately saw about 23 MORE things I’ve been doing wrong. I love how he works with his board set up vertically. I always thought you paint with watercolors flat or just at a slight angle. So much to learn! And from so many wonderful teachers. :0)

  11. Carol says:

    Hoping your next Craftsy class will be flowers!

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