Half eaten

A friend bought this new variety of pepper with me in mind. She was thinking that I might like to sketch the red and yellow striped exterior, but when she went to retrieve it from her fridge, she found that her daughter had eaten most of it. That was fine with me because the inside is even more beautiful. I sketched it in an old Moleskine sketchbook using Sap Green, Hansa Yellow and Organic Vermillion. Shadow was created using leftover paint from yesterday’s birch trees.


35 Comments on “Half eaten”

  1. Jodi says:

    I am in awe of how amazing you can make a half eaten pepper look! LOVE IT!

  2. ChesapkLady says:

    This is STUNNING!! It’s iconic Shari Blaukopf, and I think a masterpiece. Gorgeous, magical line and color and wash, OMG. . . . just wow.

  3. slowlaneJulana says:


  4. Mary McLaughlin says:

    Wow Shari – this is the most beautiful rendition of a pepper I’ve witnessed – absolutely breathtaking – who knew a half eaten pepper could be so lovely?! And – your cast shadow is gorgeous.

  5. You know your friends understand you when they bring you vegetable refuse. 🙂

  6. Soni says:

    OOOHH OH OH OH – 🎨 Love these yum mere colors !! The insides a better choice, yes. And all set off by those great grays you do so well. Has inspired me to break into a vegetable bin.

  7. Soni says:

    Correction – I meant yummeee colors.
    [Good old Apple spell ck ]

  8. I’ve just spent the last 5 minutes studying this awesome sketch. It’s amazing! Love the colors and the line work. Just wow…way to make that most of that half-eaten pepper, Shari!! Hehe

  9. Beautiful painting!

  10. I just love how the color leaks into that gorgeous shadow!

    • Yes, you always have to do the shadow quickly while the object colour is still wet so you can get that little leak. Shadow is always better when that happens.

  11. There’s little more interesting in drawing terms than the inside of a pepper. I once attended an abstract painting workshop where the tutor started with an exercise using a cut pepper. This is a wonderful painting, absolutely fascinating.

    • I can see how the inside of the pepper can lead to abstraction. The seeds, the smooth flow of the curves, etc. Did your version come out well?

  12. Judy Sopher says:

    Lovely as usual.

  13. monique says:

    What a nice friend too..
    I agree you make a half eaten pepper look so good.

  14. Judy Sopher says:

    I have to add something more. Looking at this from an angle, it is a beautiful piece of abstract art. One simple object–and I can see something different in it at different times. A lot to say about a half eaten pepper. But this is really a beautiful painting. I think I like watercolor combined with ink the most and it is what I am aiming for.

    • This was done very quickly, maybe 15 minutes, while I was cooking dinner. But maybe the quick ones, where you don’t fuss with the washes, are sometimes the best. Get the colour and the values right the first time and then leave it alone.

  15. Linda Murray says:

    I agree with Judy. Just love it when you do the ink and watercolor! Your landscape paintings are awesome, but my favorites are your fruits and vegetables and flowers. I guess I should say, I love them all!!!!! 😊

  16. joantav says:

    Great job! I think the inside of a pepper is much more exciting than the outside.

  17. Rebekah Farr says:

    Wow! The colors are breathtaking!! So fresh and full of energy. How do you get your paintings to look as good onscreen as in real life. Do you photograph them or scan them? Stunning!

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