Provence workshop day six: the town square

On our final day of this workshop we stayed in our home base of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. I’d love to go into more detail about the village but that will come at a later date when I have a keyboard to type on.

The town square was a complex subject with lots of activity, but after six days of sketching, I think people were up for the challenge.

It’s a busy place in the morning but the square is shaded all day by huge plane trees. There’s no sense of urgency if the location is comfortable and out of the hot sun, so people took their time drawing the scene.

Our final gathering in the evening started with a little vernissage of the work produced during the week. There’s something to be said for having a whole week to sketch.

Thanks again to our amazing guide Natalia from French Escapade and to all my students for working so hard! Now I have a few days off and then I’ll do this all over again next week.

9 Comments on “Provence workshop day six: the town square”

  1. Janet Agulnik says:

    Really great works. Congratulations to everyone! Janet Agulnik

  2. Dee Ludwig says:

    Breath taking, professional work by everyone. What a great trip and experience!

  3. Alison says:

    What a treat to see the terrific work, the joyful participants, the locations, and you! I’m smiling! Thanks for sharing all this.

  4. joantav says:

    Wonderful work! Looks like everyone got a lot out of the workshop!!

  5. Lucky folks; talented instructor, what looks like a great location … and for a whole week.

  6. Judy Sopher says:

    I feel like I have been there with you. Thanks for the daily posts. The paintings are just terrific. When you are back and have time(does that ever happen?) I would like to know the size of your sketchbook and the last painting above.

  7. monique says:

    I bet everyone loved it..So much talent gathered in one group!

  8. monique says:

    PS all the sketchbooks look so would be fun to know the names of the books..Do you know if there are any hot press smal travel books?

  9. Wow, a lot of well done work! Nice watercolors and places.

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