Blue chairs

I am not going to write much today because the wi-fi is very slow. But I will say that the beach is better than a life drawing class and when I get back to my scanner I will post my life drawings.

Blue Chairs


11 Comments on “Blue chairs”

  1. Monique says:

    I love the perspective..And the colors are so true.

  2. Martha says:

    You captured the heat of the region and the warmth of the thatched hut. Thanks for sharing….feels as if I am there with you.

  3. rene fijten says:

    This super. How I long for nice warm weather, here it’s raining and raining and raining and raining.

  4. Alison says:

    A brilliant composition. Simple palette. I LOVE this one. Another to download to my iPod touch for my Shari’s Sketchbook album. Better than any APP when you need a hit of visual beauty to stimulate or console.

  5. sketchysteven says:

    This is just gorgeous! And exactly what I’d have been doing in the DR. 🙂

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