Way beyond

If you walk beyond the big resorts of Punta Cana (some as vast as city states!), beyond the beach chairs, the volleyball nets, the kids digging holes in the sand, the vendors shouting “Larimar, larimar!”, the banana boats, beyond the pina coladas, the banana mamas, the cervezas and the rum, past the aerobics class, the oiled tans and the pounding beach music, you may be in for a surprise. At first it seems like a mirage in the distance, a mere silhouette of shapes that don’t resemble anything like the artificial village that you have been staying in for the past few days. This is a village of another sort, a type of ramshackle but far more delightful mall on the beach, a series of shacks whose colours become more vibrant as you approach and whose sounds of “hola, hola” become louder and more insistent as you get closer.


Way Beyond

6 Comments on “Way beyond”

  1. marctaro says:

    perfect! just exactly how it is 🙂

  2. Monique says:

    This is just wonderful!So much detail..and you get the feeling of neverending:)

  3. Ross C says:

    Great drawing/painting! Those sketchy people are very effective.
    Was this little group of shops just what you were looking for? Did you stop and get a tattoo?

    • I was looking for these so I could draw them. Is that what you mean? I didn’t get my tattoo yet but I picked out which one I want for next time.

      • Ross C says:

        Your description sounded like you were off on some sort of an expedition or a mission… which I thought, at first, was probably to find the perfect sketching subject. But then, when you stopped right in front of the tattoo shop, I thought maybe…

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