Little house on Lakeshore

I couldn’t paint this exactly as I had wanted to because it is difficult to add details but here is the colour version of the value sketch I was working on a few weeks ago. Painted on Saunders Waterford paper using mostly cobalt blue, alizarin crimson and azo yellow. I painted this last week as well but my colour scheme was more monochromatic and very boring (and never posted!) so I painted it again today.


11 Comments on “Little house on Lakeshore”

  1. kari says:

    A beautiful winter scene. I so admire your artwork.


  2. Marg hodgins says:

    I’m new to your blog. I love your style. Winter scenes are my favorite. I’ve been painting a long time, but still learning, and appreciate others work. Thanks for showing your work. Marg.


    • Glad you found me Marg. I love painting winter scenes and I usually paint them from my car but this week is a little different since I am more confined to the house so the paintings are done in the studio.


  3. Tracey says:

    Painting like this with a cast, pretty amazing!
    All the best in 2014


  4. Lee Kline says:

    Shari, I used your four-part value sketch of this little house to guide me in my value sketch on my Flickr page. Thanks! Hope your arm is feeling better and better each day.


  5. Helen van Hell says:

    Hi Shari – haven’t posted much for a while but still very much enjoying all your posts!! and learning a lot from them !–So sorry about your broken wrist – you’re so brave to still be painting!! Have my Australian family visiting for 3 weeks, Crazy eh – in this weather – but they want to go skiing and will be in Tremblant this weekend. So pleased to have met you at Stewart Hall this summer – hope to be able to join you urban sketchers in a month or two!


    • So nice to hear from you Helen. It was a pleasure meeting you at the show. I haven’t been at urban Sketchers for a while either but maybe we’ll both get there in January or February.


  6. Connie Renaud says:

    Thank you so much for sending the finished version the Little house on Lakeshore. It is terrific. I hope you are recovering well from this unfortunate incident.


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