The Village

This week I’ve been sketching in an A4 Moleskine, the big horizontal book with the old paper that I liked so much when I started to sketch (not the newer Art Plus version). I bought this book many months ago, but because it’s quite expensive (in Canada at least) I think I’ve been saving it for something special. That seems a bit silly to me now so I threw it in my bag at the beginning of the week and have been using it every day. It’s a bit like rediscovering an old friend and I’m happy to get reacquainted.


20 Comments on “The Village”

  1. thistlelady says:

    I haven’t used Moleskine books for art, and I have heard that many people do. So I was wondering what the difference is between the “old” paper and the new Art Plus?

  2. andre savard says:

    Shari, you haven’t lost your touch for the local scenes. But I must admit that your summer travel around North America was very intersting and specially your New Foundland scenes.
    I whish I can go there one day to paint.
    The village is lovely and warm.

    • Thanks so much Andre. It was a great summer but I am happy to be back painting my neighbourhood. I will have the Newfoundland paintings at the LAA show next weekend. I hope you can come by to say hi.

  3. kipps74 says:

    Lovely work again. Are those ink lines or pencil lines in your piece and do they come before or after your watercolour paint?

    • Thanks, again. Those are pencil lines and they came before the washes. This time I made the pencil a little darker than usual and I tried to use a loose contour drawing.

  4. Miz Dee says:

    I love the Moleskine A4 and just got two from Amazon, and am hoarding them. Sorry they have changed the paper, but will eventually try it, I guess. I love how a watersoluable pen works on it for me, but find watercolor doesn’t lift well enough without really showing my errors. Fear that they are going to disappear soon.

  5. Monique says:

    Love this village:) have not even been to the new Lois Butler though..that’s how long it has been.

  6. Lee Kline says:

    I have learned so much about painting trees by looking at your work. Thanks.

  7. Patti says:

    Love Pointe Claire village. I grew up walking to “the Black Cat” just around the corner, to buy candy! So many memories. Great painting!

  8. Ross says:

    The last few paintings have a very “familiar” feel (not to be confused with mundane, tired or boring)… maybe as a result of the paper that you used so frequently in the distant past? Do you think the paper, provided you are using reasonable quality, has that much influence on the outcome?

    • They are also familiar because I’ve painted this scene so many times! But you’re right, they do feel like my the sketches I did in my first year or two of the blog because I used this paper almost exclusively.
      In answer to your question, I think the paper has a huge influence on the outcome of the sketch.If I grab a sheet of real watercolour paper, not a sketchbook watercolour paper which is not 100% cotton, I know the washes will be much nicer and I will be able to do more (scrubbing out, adding layers of washes, etc.) but I also know that I can’t use a fine marker on that paper because it’s too rough. So if I want to draw and add a quick wash I use a sketchbook paper but if I want to really paint I use good rag paper.

  9. Kate says:

    How do you paint the paintings that ‘haven’t been painted?’ Do you work from a sketch or do you also use photos?

    • For those paintings, I use my own sketches and photos. I am not a big fan of painting from photos, I really prefer the pleasant and unpleasant challenges of the plein air experience such as changing light, wind, bugs, humidity and too much sun, but will use them if I have to. The challenge of translating the 3D world into 2D is more exciting than from 2D to 2D.

  10. Lee Kline says:

    Love those trees!

  11. DM says:

    Ah yes, The Black Cat. Living in Pointe-Claire in the 70’s, I remember cycling to the store on weekends, spending a dollar on hockey cards and candy.

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