Yellow canopy

The canopy of leaves that covers some of Montreal’s streets bathes everything in a soft light, making it quite a beautiful time of year to paint. This was sketched on Henri Julien in the Villeray district, at lunchtime. I was parked on a corner with an unobstructed view of the pedestrians walking along rue Faille. It’s amazing to me how many adults were in full Hallowe’en costume, during the day, with no children in tow.


18 Comments on “Yellow canopy”

  1. JoAnn says:

    Nice cars! 🙂 I love this–the perspective, the shadows, the colors. Your work is so inspiring.

  2. Reissa Rapkin says:

    My favourite time of the year. I love your painting.

  3. Suzy Frisbee says:

    The Montreal Tourism Board really ought to hire you–every day when I see your post, I want to come and visit!

  4. Ross says:

    This is good… I like the one-point perspective, the shadows and the foliage. Even your cars are improving! : )

  5. as always this nice and “clean” colors! very nice Shari!

  6. george smith says:

    So nice. It puts the viewer on the street, and you become part of the scene. A lot of paintings make you feel your looking in Here you’re part of it. I continue to grow by seeing your work. Thank you for sharing.

    • That feeling could be because I’m sitting in my car so the perspective is really eye level with the street instead of looking down on it. I was certainly in the middle of it because my car was covered with those yellow leaves at the end.

  7. Joan says:

    There is nothing you could paint in the fall that doesn’t call to me. My favorite season. Love the perspective of this one.

  8. Susan says:

    Lovely painting!!! As a beginning watercolorist I struggle with trees and cars, by the way I think your cars are fantastic, I recognize them straight away 🙂
    How do you approach your trees?? The background wash first, the green spots second? When do you do the branches?? Thanks so much

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