“Sketching the City” is live!

I’m really thrilled to announce that my second online class “Sketching the City” went live today on Craftsy.com. I had a lot of input for the content of this one and I tried to include a lessons about each of the things I love to work on when I sketch in urban settings — drawing facades, adding details to windows and doors, sketching poles and wires, and painting shadows. Like my first class “Sketching Landscapes”, there are seven lessons in the 2.5 hour class and you’ll see me draw in pen and ink, and then add watercolour to my drawings.


If you’ve never taken a Craftsy class before, you should check them out.  As an instructor, I have to admit that I enjoy the interactive process of seeing people’s sketches and getting to answer questions. As a student, you have lifetime access to the classes you buy, and you can watch the courses on your computer, iPad or phone, at your own pace. You can also ask questions to the instructors and post your projects.


As I did with my first video, I’m offering a 50% off link to readers of this blog. I hope you enjoy the class!



60 Comments on ““Sketching the City” is live!”

  1. Tony Underhill says:

    Great news Shari. Looking forward to watching, enjoying and learning! And thanks for the discount.

  2. Oh man, I jumped right on this…but the link doesn’t work.

    I bet you’ve had many people tell you already so I’m just adding my 2 cents.

    Thank you for offering another class, you are such a great teacher. Clear, easy to follow, fun.

    Thank you! Susie

  3. Jane Hannah says:

    Hi Shari — your 50% link is not working for me… just to let you know. Great job Shari and I will adhere -)))



  4. Jane Hannah says:

    Hi Shari again — it is because I clicked on the email subscription link instead of directly from your blog. So it worked -) Thank you for the 50% rebate.

  5. debraji says:

    It’s all working fine now.

  6. Thank you so much!!! I just enrolled. The link worked.

  7. C Barlow Marrs says:

    This is superb, thank you! But alas, the lovely discount link to your new Craftsy class is broken. 🙁 From one off your many admiring fans in England, Cynthia

    Cynthia Barlow Marrs SGFA http://www.cbarlowmarrs.com http://www.facebook/CBarlowMarrsArtist Twitter @CBarlowMarrs Sent from my iPad

  8. chrissaterrell says:

    I couldt get the 50% off button to work. Shari, I know this is a weird question to post but I wanted to video tape an artist and wondered what camera/cam corder you use ? Do you do it yourself or hire a camera man! Thank you!!

    • Hi Chrissa, the link is working now so please try again.
      As for the production of the videos, I don’t do it myself.
      Craftsy has a big production team and they do all the filming with their very professional equipment. I could never do anything of this quality on my own.

  9. Chris Haldane says:

    Hi Shari Exciting to hear! But the discount link doesn’t work. Cheers Chris

    Sent from my iPad


  10. Joe Fidler says:

    Thank you Shari. Have been waiting for your new video and am excited!! But….same problem as you other responders…50% off link won’t work.
    I check for your blog every day and enjoy each and every one.
    Jo.le fidler

    • Hi Joe,
      Try the links now. They all work!
      Glad you enjoy the posts. I can’t wait to be on school holiday so I can get back to posting more regularly.


  11. Mary Catharine says:

    Hi Shari

    I’m really looking forward to signing up but the link isn’t working for me either. I have tried a few different times since getting your post.

    Mary Catharine

    • HI Mary Catherine,

      Instead of clicking from the email you received, just go to the home page of the blog. The links will work there. If that doesn’t work, let me know.

      Hope you are well!


  12. Mary Catharine says:

    Good evening again Shari

    I tried it one more time after posting the above message and it worked! I’m really looking forward to the course! Thanks for doing another.

    Mary Catharine

  13. Louise says:

    Thank you for the discount, Shari. I registered and everything worked just fine. I’ve already watched the first video. Will watch the entire course first to get a sense of direction before diving in. I’ve emailed several friends who are interested, so I hope they sign up too. Thank you for creating this online class for us.

  14. Jane Einarson says:

    Thank you so much! I’m about 1/2 way through your first class and already wishing for more!

    Sent from my iPad


    • Jane, you’re so sweet to let me know. I worked so hard on the class and have really been hoping it comes across well. I really appreciate that you wrote to let me know.

  15. Monique says:

    Done! Cannot wait..although I still have to go back to landscapes:)
    Thank you for the opportunity..I love your classes and your art.
    Winter is long here..well..usually..I plan on painting through it:)

  16. Liliane Partikian says:

    Hi Shari
    Can’t wait to see your new class,however I cannot open the magic link

  17. Liliane Partikian says:

    Hi again…just as I sent my comment off to you,my page changed,so I again tried the link and it worked!….thanks Shari….can’t wait to start the class


  18. Janine says:

    Just signed up! Can’t wait and thank you for the 50% off link.

  19. Jeff Gold says:

    I just signed up and couldn’t wait to get started so I watched the first two lessons. Great job! Your delivery and content are great once again. It’s so nice to see you drawing the subject matter that we all associate with you. Very exciting! I look forward to continuing with the other lessons. Thank you for the great discount too.

    • HI Jeff. Thanks so much for letting me know. I really appreciate the feedback. I worked really hard on the content but you never know until it comes out if it’s any good. I’m happy to hear that the start is good. I hope you like the rest as well…

  20. Carolyn S. Smith says:

    Sheri, I waited patiently, but never heard from anyone about the class. Boo hoo, I missed it!


    Home 305-664-5111 Cell 305-304-8229


  21. Kay says:

    Thank you so much for your generosity. I love your paintings and you are an excellent teacher!

  22. Villoo Tollerman says:

    The 50% off link does not work!

    Sent from my iPad

  23. Lyn Seley says:

    Woo hoo all signed up!

  24. Cathy says:

    I am in, just signed up ! Thank you, Shari, for the discount !

  25. All signed up from here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! Thanks Shari.

  26. Geoffrey Bladon says:

    Hi Shari,

    Regrettably I will be unable to make the South Carolina workshop. As I have been heard to say: “Man plans, God laughs.” And I can’t blame the cat.

    I enjoy your work and your blog. Please keep me on your list for future opportunities.


  27. AnneC says:

    Hi Shari, I want to thank you for your latest Craftsy course. The lessons are excellent. They explain everything clearly and have demystified a lot of the process for me including foliage and shadows. I’m very grateful to have this new resource. Craftsy has done a great job with the production too.
    I’m very envious of you living close enough to visit Rockport frequently. I was there for a few hours many years ago. I loved it. I’ll have to add a longer return visit to my bucket list.

    • Hi Anne,
      I really appreciate you taking the time to write. I put so much work into this class, in advance of the filming, so I am very relieved to know that it useful. The people at Craftsy are extremely professional. I wouldn’t know where to begin with the production of this, so I am grateful to have had the chance to do this.
      Rockport is definitely one of my favourite places too. When I’m there I paint every day so it’s always a productive week too. Hope you get to go back there.

  28. barbaragruen says:

    thank you shari for the rabate and the course! after “sketching landscapes” i know it will be a fantastic course.

  29. slowlane says:

    I really enjoyed the class. I still think there is some magic in your brush, playing with the light. :-). So many ideas to try. The choices in mixing of the paint is so interesting. I do just love the dance of light and shadow in your watercolor.

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