The street behind

The lanes behind main streets are often more interesting to me than crowded thoroughfares. That’s where the good shapes happen. I’ve painted in Rockport quite often and even though the harbour is endlessly fascinating, I thought I’d explore some back streets this time. This tumbling garden and a backdrop of weathered wood houses is directly behind Bearskin Neck, the main drag where all the tourists stroll. I was intrigued by the contrast between colour and monochrome in the scene. 

I’m also just back from an exciting day of painting at the New York Botanical Gardens. I have photos and paintings to post but I’ll wait until I return home and have access to my trusty scanner. 

32 Comments on “The street behind”

  1. Dianne Kubik says:

    Thanks for the lovely painting today. I too love the back lanes and often spend time scouring through them.

  2. Deb says:

    This is a very interesting painting. The color combination, as you said, but also the commoness of the scene. Thank you.

  3. John Hofman says:

    A good observation nicely executed; colourful flowers against the dull urban shapes.

  4. Malinda Anderson says:

    Thank you for sharing you wonderful paintings. You put a bit of your personality in them and it always makes me smile. I am so enjoying your classes on Craftsy and am having such fun with the instruction you are sharing. I will try to post one of my efforts today. -Malinda Anderson

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Well, thanks so much for all of this Malinda. I’m glad some personality comes across in the writing. And looking forward to see what you post in Crafsty.

  5. Theresa says:

    Hi Shari , I often do the same thing . so interesting to see what’s around the back side of buildings .

  6. monique says:

    This is beautiful!

  7. I love the contrast between the colorful flowers and the grey buildings:-)

  8. SusanA says:

    I love finding gardens in unexpected places. This sketch is really nice–like a little oasis amidst the busy tourist season.

  9. Judith Cozon says:

    I just love this – the contrast between buildings and flowers yet both remaining interesting! You are sooooo gifted!

  10. Fabulous painting, Shari! Man I love the way you abstract things so beautifully. And loved this line, “That’s where the good shapes happen.” So true!

  11. Paul R. says:

    Again, you’ve limited your pallet so effectively. Love it, and look forward to your work.. inspirationally and motivationally… à demain ét les jours d’après. ti Paul.

  12. Youanna N. says:

    Beautiful! The flowers in the foreground!!!

  13. It was so great meeting you in person yesterday. You and Mark were so generous to allow us to watch you paint and you both shared so much information with us. I hope you got back to Rockport easily yesterday. I agree with you that locations off the tourist area are usually more interesting with unique front gardens, fences, and lovely cottages. This is so charming…exactly what I think of when I think of that area.

    • Hi Joan. It was wonderful to finally meet you too. Thanks for coming out to say hello. Wasn’t it a nice event? I loved my afternoon spot under the arbour. The drive home was really long but I’m still happy I made it to the event. Hope to see you next time in New York.

  14. sandidureice says:

    Lovely, and those buildings are so full of character – they appear to be so naturally nestled there.

  15. I love how you can make “the simple” appear so splendid! Great painting Shari!

  16. The grays make the color sing!

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