#OneWeek100People2017: Day Four

Day Four of #OneWeek100People: real people.
My goal for today was to come home with some drawings that looked like real people, not cardboard cutouts or cartoons, so I went to Tim Horton’s knowing that it might take me a bit longer than usual to sketch another 20 portraits. And surprisingly, having that goal allowed me to connect with the people I was drawing, which is a first for me.

I usually try to conceal the fact that I am drawing because I don’t want to make people uncomfortable, but today if a model looked at me I would smile, hold up the book to show them the drawing and tell them what I was working on. That often led to a conversation. Here are a few of them:
No. 65 was a reluctant model but when we got to talking he warmed up. He is a first world war veteran who served in the Navy. His Commander, C. Anthony Law was an artist who took his men out painting during their time off. Turns out he was quite a well-known war artist.
No. 67 was a little boy who was fascinated with my sketching. He hovered near me until I asked him if he wanted to pose. He smiled the whole time I drew him.
No. 75 had his back to me but when he got up to leave he saw my sketch and came over to see. He proudly took a photo of the sketch to show his friends.
No. 77 didn’t want to be sketched. When he saw me starting to draw him, he moved to another seat and kept him hand over his face the whole time.

There’s only one more day of this challenge and it’s quite funny to read the comments of other artists who have taken this on. It’s almost like we’re running The Barclay Marathons. “I think I’m going to make it.” “I’m almost there.” “Only one day to go!” I must admit I feel the same way.


41 Comments on “#OneWeek100People2017: Day Four”

  1. Alison says:

    At the risk of repeating myself, I love what you have achieved and your approach — your skill with the brush is simply marvelous! Have you found this tiring? I spent 2 hours at the curling club trying to sketch people last night and felt drained. Or maybe it was staring at people on the ice for too long. Anyways, BRAVO!

  2. Jan Elliott says:

    These are the best yet.

  3. SusanA says:

    Love the stories behind these sketches!

  4. DiniAlice says:

    I love these today. They all have so mich personality. How fun to be anle to connect with some of the subjects. Cheers for finishing tomorrow.

  5. I always enloy your sketches, I have been an Artist for more than 40 yrs, and still I can’t do people, what is your secret,

    • No secret to this. Just lots of practice. Five years ago when I started drawing people they were so wooden, but I just keep trying and hope to get some life into them.

  6. Dee says:

    Wow…faster and better each day…..loved your watercolor sketches….every one!

  7. miatagrrl says:

    Great stories and beautiful monochrome portraits!

    – Tina

  8. patrickgroneman2017 says:

    heartwarming to read about the transition 🙂


  9. anne farmer says:

    Great drawings (obviously) and also a very interesting account of your interactions.

  10. i love 61 and 64. oddly 71 is very good as is75. you are just getting better and better!

  11. Bernadette says:

    I am so far behind in this “race to complete 100 drawings.” I am still at the starting gate! I promised myself I would take the challenge but have put all other duties and enjoyment first. As I flollow along as an observer, I see great value in the endeavor. Your work is inspiring as always. I wonder if my hesitation is because I am not as comfortable drawing in front of an audience. Your approach is bold but gentle enough not to scare away those you hold in gaze for a brief time. Even if not 100 in a week, I must try this challenging endeavor!
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Bernadette, I had the same reluctance as you when I started but now I just tell people I am practicing. I warn that it probably won’t look like them, and then there is no pressure to perform. All they are expecting is a practice sketch. That seems to make them comfortable too.

  12. The stories are interesting. I can def see an improvement from the first day. Great challenge for yourself. I should try… So, for some reason I’m gravitated to the older lady, #76..

  13. Bravo Shari! I’m about ready to get brave and tell people what I’m doing, too. I hate stealing glances and doing that dance with people when they know you’re looking at them and you’re pretending not to! I like the gray-scale approach you’ve taken. Learning every day….almost there.

    • Thanks Jean. It was quite liberating to start talking to people this week. Some don’t want to be sketched and that’s fine too. You should try it. I’d love to hear what happens.

  14. Judy Sopher says:

    First-what is Tim Horton’s? I can’t say you are getting better as you have been good from the start. Just doing different approaches. I admire your sketches of people in motion. And I do like the fellow who was covering his face-77. And 72-me with beards again.

    I finished my 100 this morning as I have time being retired. I tried to do people in motion from the TV but it was very difficult.

    As for Alison’s comment on curling. When we first moved to ND, I was fascinated by curling. I grew to enjoy it. It isn’t popular here so I don’t get to watch it now.

    • Tim Horton’s is the Canadian equivalent of Dunkin Donuts! Great place to draw people. They stay just long enough for sketching. Great for you that you finished too!!

  15. Maggie Marszewski says:

    Shari, these are so good! My favorites….

  16. Maggie Marszewski says:

    Shari, these are so good! I especially like the faces. Great job…

  17. Beste Barki says:

    Had there been a ‘like’ button as in Facebook I would have pressed it.

  18. I love how little you use to say so much. Gonna have to study these for a while… and I especially love that you got to know some of them. My big takeout on this week of drawing people has been that to keep drawing people you gotta be interested in people, and not just technically.

    • So true Suhita. The best times I had where when I started conversations. These are the most memorable for me. I think you have to connect with the person on some level to do a good drawing, or maybe that’s just me. I definitely learned a lot technically too, and I was glad I stuck to brush and paint. That was a lesson in itself.

  19. joantav says:

    These are great and to have some stories to go with them is just the icing on the cake!!!

  20. kwdata says:

    AMAZING work I now feel like to set a similar challenge!

  21. Hempmaster77 says:

    What medium did you use? Water soluble graphite or ink wash or watercolor? Excellent portraits very lively and expressive

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