
I’ve never fully participated in Inktober before in any committed sort of way but maybe 2018 is the year. If you haven’t heard of it before today, it’s an ink drawing challenge started by artist Jake Parker to encourage people to improve their drawing skills by drawing each day during the month of October. The past few years there’s also been an official prompt list in case you run out of things to draw. Today’s prompt is “Poisonous”.

I think that many people who participate in this use black pens, but I thought this might be a good way to practice value sketching with a brush. My inspiration comes from German artist Johanna Krimmel who taught a workshop in painting with Chinese Ink this past July at the Urban Sketchers Symposium in Porto. I love her work and how she achieves a full range of lights and darks by diluting the ink, something I’ve never tried before. I loved the effects I got today with the ink, and hope to keep it up all month even though October is such a busy month at school.


17 Comments on “Poisonous”

  1. joani1 says:

    Wow, stunning!

  2. nikkidowd says:

    I love this—especially the stripes!

  3. sandidureice says:

    Beautiful. Great use of the white of the paper. I learnt this from artists like yourself. Thank you.

  4. Carol says:

    You aced that challenge. I have never seen anything like it! Beautifully done!!

  5. ksbeth says:


  6. Benadette says:

    Thanks for this inspiring and beautiful post today. It serves as a great remind for me to follow this method. I stuggle with values. Hopefully I will use October to gain a better understanding of lights and darks in my work. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Lee Kline says:


  8. Judy Sopher says:

    Nice range of values.Nice apples, in fact.But with the title”poisonous”–are they something else?

    • Every day of October there is a “prompt” word which serves as a theme in case you have no ideas. Yesterday the prompt word was “poisonous” and that reminded me of Snow White’s poison apple.

      • Judy Sopher says:

        Never thought of the poisoned apple from Snow White. You have more imagination than I have. Thanks.

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