In the mud

I was out painting in my woods today, capturing the last bit of snow on the ground and enjoying the sound of a pileated woodpecker in a tree above me. The painting was almost done, and I stepped back to have a look and also take a photo for Instagram when a rogue gust of wind on this windless day knocked over my easel. Luckily I was standing close enough to catch it and save the painting, although my brushes and palette ended up in the muck.

Back home, and after cleaning the mucky brushes, I made a few adjustments — softening the background and cropping for a better composition. By tomorrow this snow will be gone and that may be it for snow painting until next year.

24 Comments on “In the mud”

  1. Judy Sopher says:

    You sure managed to save it. Is that cobalt or ultramarine? I know everyone is looking forward to the snow being gone but I will miss your snow scenes.

    As for the pileated woodpecker, brings back memories. When we lived in ND, so many people reported seeing them. But not me. And -this is true-the day we were leaving, I saw a pair at our feeder.

    • I think there’s some Cobalt Blue in the snow shadows. I always miss painting snow but this has been a very long winter (aren’t they all) and I am ready for a little bit of warmth in the air. We are supposed to have more freezing rain tonight so it may not get warm until May this year.

  2. Elaine says:

    Came out nice! And has a story too ~

  3. Jeff Gold says:

    I love the softened (diffused) horizon and the contrast of warms and cools in it. Beautiful color throughout.

  4. Sue Anne Bottomley says:

    The adventures of on site drawing/ painting! Good job.

  5. Susan Knowling says:

    You caught the last of the snow in the woods beautifully. Can you tell me how you support your pallette, water and brushes. It looks like a slip on shelf with a hole for your water. I have tried to make such a shelf but haven’t quite got the design right.
    I look forward to you spring paintings. Thank you for sharing so generously.

  6. DiniAlice says:

    This is beautiful. I love the way you have captured the melting snow, and the sun and background changes really added to the picture. Here in Idaho we are starting to paint the new growth on the spring trees.

  7. jsgren says:

    Beautifully done. Love the look….as we do not have snow in So. Cal.

  8. Shari, I’m really enjoying your book! Just bought a little travel palette and hoping to paint when we go away at the end of the month.

  9. Linda Murray says:

    Wow!!!!! Shari, you captured that perfectly!! It’s not fussy, but really tells the story 👍

  10. jjukes says:

    Love the painting, I will NOT be missing the snow. Your book is great and it is now part of my sketching kit.

  11. deconincks says:

    Nice photo of the location with a painting, and congratulations on nevertheless taking the natural elements out 🙂

  12. Ivan says:

    Shari, I really enjoy your paintings and stories about them. I just got your book and looking forward to read it. I have a question, what kind of easel you were using? Thank you.

  13. joantav says:

    Love it…wonderful patches of snow and earth showing trough. Glad you caught the painting in time.

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