Lake water

Here’s a tip for watercolour painters: bring extra water if you go out painting. I should really carry a jug in the car but I don’t, so today when I needed some clean water I took the stairs down to the lake and filled my cup. Now this wasn’t for drinking — the water from Lac St. Louis isn’t clean enough for that. But if you don’t mind little bits of seaweed floating around, it’s fine for painting. The yacht club in Pointe Claire is starting to have that busy summer feeling and that’s what I tried to convey today. The water was dead calm so it was a good day to paint, although probably not a good day for sailing. Painted on Arches paper, 140 lb CP, 15″ x 11″.


12 Comments on “Lake water”

  1. Grand – excellent reflection and detail.

  2. stan says:

    love the number of strokes it only took to do this painting. Loose and fresh.

  3. sandidureice says:

    This is lovely. There is lots of detail but it’s not fussy. If they are cafe umbrellas then that’s where I would like to be, to relax in the peacefulness.

    • I think that all the club members were under those umbrellas… the water was dead, it was happy hour and it was Friday afternoon. All good reasons to sit there and have a drink looking out over the water.

  4. Mary says:

    Love your Pointe Claire Yacht Club Shari, you sure captured the peaceful still lake. Mary 🙂

  5. Ross says:

    This is great! I have seen a few versions of this same scene but this is probably my favourite.

    It seems to be a challenging subject with all of the shapes (boats, reflections, buildings and trees) to resolve. Did the larger size make it easier or harder?

    • I’m glad to hear that you like it. I have donated this painting as the raffle prize for The Lakeshore Association of Artists outdoor show in September. I spent some of the day today putting the image on invitations and posters. Would you like to buy tickets to win it? I could send the tickets to Australia, and if you win the painting I will ship that too.

      • Ross says:

        That sounds enticing… please send me some details. Perhaps I have some cash left after spending all my pocket-money on a video course.

      • I will do that as soon as I have the printed invitations in hand. Hopefully you’ll still have some change in your pocket for a ticket.

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