Lost in Savannah

I was planning to post some of my workshop demos from Palmetto Bluff today, but even though I made it back to Montreal, it seems that my suitcase (sketchbooks included) is still in Savannah. It was an early flight so I’ll chalk it up to a Delta employee who hadn’t had coffee yet, or who was suffering from post St. Patrick’s day fatigue (the festivities go on forever in that city). While I was waiting for both of my flights to take off, I sketched these through the oval windows of the plane with a Pentel brush pen in a Moleskine sketchbook. I don’t work much in brush pen but I really enjoyed how much territory you can cover on the paper in a short time, and how quickly you can build up the darks.

Hopefully my bag with sketches will be back in Montreal in time for tomorrow’s post.


22 Comments on “Lost in Savannah”

  1. Dee says:

    Best wishes for your luggage! These are nice. I’ve had surprising fun with a Pentel pocket brush.

  2. Ugh… sorry to hear about the luggage…. here’s hoping it arrives safe and sound quickly! But these sketches are awesome! Love the detail you managed to include. I need to dust off my pocket brush… thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. ChesapkLady says:

    Your quick sketches are amazing. I think because you are so observant of the darks and lights, and the depth. Wow.

  4. careen says:

    Oh dear. Hope all has arrived. as usual fun informative workshop with old and new artist friends. Thank you

  5. joantav says:

    Sorry about the delay with your bag…hope it arrives soon. These are great! I usually forget about just using a brush pen, but you’re right, they do cover a lot of territory quickly…and well!

  6. See…we loved you so much here in South Carolina and Georgia, there was a secret plot to try and keep you down here! I hope your wonderful paintings and luggage return to you back home quickly. Thanks again for your wonderful workshop.

  7. M. L. Kappa says:

    So annoying…But I love the sketches. Wish I was at that workshop…

  8. I love these, they convey the urgency of a busy airport. Just fantastic.

  9. Janine says:

    Shari, how crazy!!! Here’s hoping that they find it soon. If they gave you a baggage claim then it is somewhere in their system, and they will bring it to you. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it makes it home quickly.

  10. Jane Skei says:

    My sister from Hawaii contacted us because my husband works for Delta. Here use his advice: Delta is one of the top airlines for tracking lost baggage, though because it is an international, it make take awhile to correct the error. He says to contact the local airport’s Delta baggage claim office, which you say you have already done. Sometimes these things take time. Best wishes. Your art us amazing. I do portraits. God bless.

    • Hi Jane, Thanks so much for writing me with your good advice. I keep calling Delta and I know the bag will turn up eventually. But in the meantime it is causing me a lot of grief. I’m sure it’s sitting in an airport somewhere, just waiting to be discovered and sent to me. Let’s hope it will be soon.


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