My woods

This little patch of trees — surrounded by a park on the south, a schoolyard on the north and suburban houses on the east and west — is where I take my dog to run most every day. She’s probably not supposed to be off leash there because I guess this is technically part of the park, but there’s usually no one around. And despite being only a small patch of woods in the middle of the suburbs, the landscapes there can be surprisingly beautiful in winter, especially after a snowfall. Painted on TwoRivers 200 lb paper, 16″ x 20″.


42 Comments on “My woods”

  1. karim waked says:

    O M G !
    X O X


  2. Soni says:

    Well – fab as always

    Now do you stand there painting while Alice runs around panting ? or from car after her run or …. from cell phone snap

    I know little Alice won’t get frostbite on her little paws 🐾💕

    • Soni, after this snowfall the temperature plummeted. It is almost too cold to walk, definitely too cold to even paint in the car, so this is from a cellphone snap. I almost lost my fingers taking the photo!

  3. Soni says:

    PS : depth in this is incredible

  4. Tylara says:

    incredible Shari, absolutely incredible.

  5. DiniAlice says:

    Beautiful scene. Thanks for sharing.

  6. jansiking says:


  7. Ivana says:

    Stunning! I especially love snow scenes and this is wonderful . Only sorry you get so much to paint! We get the pleasure of your cold weather.

  8. Rita says:

    Brag, brag, brag…letting your dog off-leash. I would LOVE to find a place where I would feel safe doing that, with the knowledge that she would return to me. At least you admitted you didn’t have her with you when you painted this! Yes, it has been just too darn cold here on a number of days to take my Sophie (a 20-month old JRT) and me for a walk. Spring will be extra-special welcome this year!

    • Rita, I do admit it but I have had a run-in with another dog owner at this park. He has reprimanded me for letting her off the leash, and probably even phoned Public Security once or twice. And he is right. But I have lived in the neighbourhood for many years and this is the third dog I have taken to these woods. Many in the neighbourhood do as well. So now I am a little more careful when walking her to make sure he and his phone (with Public Security in his contact list) are not around when I do. Alice is really good about staying close (except when a squirrel is in the vicinity) so having her off leash is not a problem. Sounds like Sophie is still young but Jack Russells are so great. Lucky you!

  9. Darell says:

    Thanks for taking us for a walk through your cold woods as you lead our eyes to warm color in the background. Awesome!

  10. such beautiful light

  11. Jeff Gold says:

    Shari…How do you do it? You are a perennial source of amazement; to take a basically simple composition and make it sparkle and vibrate with color and values like you do. I look at each of your images and say to myself “I think I see how she did that…but how does she KNOW to do what she does?” There’s just so much truth in each one. Thank you for your inspiration.

  12. Bernadette says:

    Winter scenes are my favorite…so sorry they are so difficult to achieve without freezing your fingers! This image is incredibly beautiful, the depth and detail exquisite. Winter scenes should bring a smile for you this summer. Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a beauty!

  14. Alison says:

    Oooooouuuuu. Stunning. The warm/cool contrast is delicious.

  15. Paul says:

    Simply gorgeous!! Love that warm sky and cool shadows.

  16. Dineke (aka Senta) says:

    This is so beautiful! I especially love the light in the background and the shadows on the snow.

  17. momobert says:

    This is just amazing and so real. Love it.

  18. Corinne Avery says:

    This is so gorgeous! Did you paint it Plein Air..on site?..or back home from a photograph? It sings if winter’s beauty and grace! Thanks for sharing your lovely work with us! ♡♡♡

    • Corinne, I painted this one in studio. The format is too large and the temperature was too cold for plein air painting this week. But it is going up on the weekend and I may venture out.

  19. Judy Sopher says:

    Beautiful shadows. And beautiful tree trunks. The reddish-rust in the back adds so much. (what colors did you use?) It is snowing here now and I really appreciate your snow scenes.

    • Ah, the recipe for the red… Here is it:
      Burnt Sienna + Alizarin Crimson, but Winsor Newton. You won’t get the same results as this with another brand of Burnt Sienna because some other brands are more brownish.

      • Judy Sopher says:

        Thanks, Shari. I am finding that burnt sienna can really vary between brands.

  20. ChesapkLady says:

    Shari, I think you do shadows in snow better than any other artist that I know. LOVE THIS, thanks so much for sharing your talent and skills.

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