Announcing Sketching Structure in the Garden — my new online course!

I’ve been hoping to create a new online class for a while, and with this unexpected window of free time, it’s ready and going live today!

This is just the first of many new classes that I’m excited to be planning. Some will be in studio, and others will be on location when the weather gets warmer and we can circulate freely again. I’m really looking forward to that! In the meantime, here’s one that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

I figured that a timely subject for the new class would be something to do with gardens and spring. Sketching Structure in the Garden with Watercolour and Ink is a full-length online course, broken down into 11 lessons with video demos. You can download the same reference image I use and sketch along with me. I’ve also included lots of closeups of how I mix colours and apply fresh washes, so it will almost be like taking a workshop with me in person. (Without having to wear a face mask.)

You can read lots more about the course here. I hope you’ll have a look!

39 Comments on “Announcing Sketching Structure in the Garden — my new online course!”

  1. monarchd says:

    I’m in!

  2. blessedreams says:


  3. Denise G - Houston says:

    Shari, I’m so excited about this course! I first e-met you through your course on Craftsy (years ago!) and have been following you ever since. I am super excited you have launched your own online course and will be signing up TODAY!! Congrats and thank you!!

  4. Yvonne Carpenter says:

    How can I pass on it!! Great timing – I took you Craftsy classes as was longing for another session, and here it is ! Will dive in immediately 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to put this together- skies and foliage are 2 areas I could definately improve!

  5. Carol Bershad says:

    Happy to sketch and learn from you again. Thanks. Carol

  6. jeanne1937 says:

    Have taken both classes and have your book so super excited about a new class! Love the subject – just signed up.

  7. Denise says:

    Hi Shari, I just watched the “trailer”, the course looks fabulous! Will be signing up soon, can’t wait!

  8. mayelalameda says:

    Congratulations on your on-line learning platform. I’m sure will be a success. You might even see me popping up in the classroom. Best luck in this new endeavour.

  9. goshornmom says:

    This came just at the right moment to brighten up a cold, wet, windy dreary,day. You are such an inspiration, thank you!

    • Margaret, we are having the same kind of day here. I think everyone needed a little burst of colour today, so it seemed like a good day to launch it. Hope you’re fine!! Sending big hugs your way.

  10. sharon doyle says:

    hello Shari,

    Are the classes at set times?


    • HI Sharon. Good question. No, the class has been created so that you can follow along at your own pace. I provide the reference photo for you to work from, and the class is in 11 lessons, so you can do this on your own time. Do one lesson and come back the next day to do another one. I hope that helps.

  11. Emily Neel says:

    Let’s do it!

  12. Diane Hines says:

    I am trying to sign up and pay for your course, but the button to do that isn’t workingl. Has this been a problem for anyone else, or is there something wrong on my end? Thanks. Diane >

    • Hi Diane, There were a few people who had that problem today. They logged out and then went back in and then it was fine. Let me know if you are still having a problem after that. Shari

  13. Phyllis Lewandoski says:

    Hi Shari
    Feeling a little blue as I should be with you this weekend in Santa Barbara. I drove to there today to deliver a care package to my daughter and granddaughter. I signed up for the online class so you made my day. I’m sure we will meet one day.
    Phyllis Lewandoski

    • Phyllis, thanks so much for writing. I was sad this weekend too. We would have been painting in Santa Barbara today, right? I hope we can meet next year instead, and hopefully we will be able to travel freely again by that time. In the meantime, hope you enjoy the class!

  14. Betsy says:

    Yippee! I am excited. Something to look forward to. Thank you!

  15. Arlyna says:

    So hyped that this one is on a different place than Bluprint! Just enrolled! Yay!

  16. John Clews says:

    I have tried to enrol in this course but can’t get past the enrol now button? Is it me or the system? Regards John Clews

    Sent from my iPad


    • HI John, A few people had this problem yesterday. My advice was to log out and log back in again. That seems to have worked because they were all able to register. Let me know if you still have problems. And thanks for making your way to the course!

  17. Nancy Poist says:

    Hi Shari! Thank you so much for this course; it looks like another fun opportunity to sketch with you. It couldn’t come at a better time! Stay safe!

  18. Dorothy Greenidge says:

    Hi Shari! Thanks for this course, I am really looking forward to it. Could you help me source the materials for the course? For the “duration” I am located in rural Nova Scotia assisting with “eldercare”. I don’t have access to an artist supply store, but can get materials through the internet and delivered by Canada Post or courier. Are there on-line places you could suggest to purchase watercolours, the pallette, brushes and paper? I would very much appreciate any help you could send my way. Many thanks, Dorothy

    • Hi Dorothy, Of course I can help with sourcing the materials. I love Curry’s Art Supplies in Toronto. They have great service and a good website. They only thing you will not be able to get on there is the sketchbook I use. I order that from overseas, and it’s also available at a shop in Montreal, but they have no website. You can certainly use any good watercolour paper for this, and Curry’s will have that. They have good brushes and paints too. Please try to order everything and if you have difficulty buying something, please let me know and I will try to help you find it, or I will recommend a substitute. And best of look with the eldercare. Regards,

      • Dorothy Greenidge says:

        Hi Shari
        Thanks for your advice. I have a package on its way! I’ve reviewed all the class and thought it was just great. I really enjoyed seeing your process and having you “talk us through it”. I’m doing a bit of practice sketching until the paint and brushes arrive! Ok, I’ll also be tempted to apply my colour pencils in the interim as well!
        Thanks again for the advice, and I look forward to more tutorials of this type.
        Also, thanks for your good wishes for my eldercare. I am grateful to be here with them for the duration and not in my usual home, Alberta, where I would be fretting.

  19. Roben S Martin says:

    Love the course. Got my granddaughter (age 14) to enroll also. Hope your will do another soon’

  20. Janine says:

    Loved it! Just posted a more detailed review for you on Wet Canvas:

  21. Laurie says:

    Just finished the course. I watched each video at least twice and I really enjoyed the presentation and progression. Thank you!

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