Car sketching, live

Here’s the result of my live car sketching session with Suhita Shirodkar this afternoon. She was sketching in a parking lot in San Jose, California, and I was in my car in Pointe Claire Village. Fortunately we had figured out the logistics yesterday (camera position, how to connect “live”, lap desk to paint on, etc.) so it went relatively well, I think. It felt like we were sitting next to each other on a park bench, sketching and chatting, instead being on opposite sides of the continent. If you tuned in, thanks for watching. And if you missed it and want to have a look, it’s archived on my Instagram stories (@sharisketcher) until tomorrow. The whole thing lasts about 30 minutes, but I arrived and parked a little early so my drawing was done in advance.

28 Comments on “Car sketching, live”

  1. Robert-Pamela Carrifee says:

    Hey, I thought you were sketching cars? Great job though!

  2. liane says:

    that was really great. lovely painting thanks

  3. Pastor Cathy says:

    Car sketching, live

  4. joani1 says:

    Couldn’t find it. Beautiful results!

    • Hi Joan. Thanks. To see the video on Instagram, look for the stories. They are the circles at the very top of the app. You will see my icon, with a red circle around it. Click on that and you will see the video. Or you may see a few other images and then the video. But it will play eventually.

  5. angmacleod says:

    Impressive as always!

  6. pamlopez15 says:

    Hi Shari,
    Love the completed sketch!

    I thoroughly enjoyed today’s session. Yes, you and Suhita chit chatted like you were side by side! Your styles are so different!

    I had posted a question but it got devoured very quickly! How long did it take to complete the pencil drawing? That was very detailed and I figured may have taken as long as the painting. Just wondering.

    Looking forward to your next online course! Thanks.

    • Hi Pam. Thanks so much for watching. I saw your question and forgot to answer in my post. I arrived about an hour early, just to make sure I got the parking spot I wanted. I drew slowly, so the drawing took about 45 minutes. And then I had 15 minutes to people watch before the live painting.

  7. Claire Gervais says:

    Bonjour! How good it is to look at your sketches everyday!
    I am trying to view your video on car sketching on Instagram and do not know how!
    Thank you in advance!

    • Thanks Claire. So nice to hear from you. To see the video on Instagram, look for the stories. They are the circles at the very top of the app. You will see my icon, with a red circle around it. Click on that and you will see the video. Or you may see a few other images and then the video. But it will play eventually.

  8. Bernadette says:

    I was unable to watch the livestream video of your sketches. Thanks over posting the painting….it is lovely! I hope to see the post on Instagram….if I am able to connect. I have never used Instagram before..It will be such a treat to see the painting in progress.

  9. lrnewton says:

    I went to Instagram at 2;00 and tried to watch it but couldn’t find anything. Still can’t find a 30 minute video . . . just photos???


    Thanks Linda Rinearson Newton Watercolor Society

    Sent from my iPhone


    • HI Linda, You have to look at the top of the app where the little circles are. When you see the circle with my name, you click on it and the video will play. That is where you find all the Instagram stories. Unfortunately they are only there for 24hours so it’s probably gone now.

  10. Judy Sopher says:

    So sorry to have missed this. Too many things to take care of at home. But what a wonderful idea. Suhita is one of my favorite painters . Please show this again if possible.

  11. Stephanie Wright says:

    Love this. I walk by this house several days a week.

  12. It was great to see the drawing – so strong.
    Question: do you use any of the “tools” for drawing the perspective (e.g. line for eye level, determining vanishing points) or do you draw only from observation (and all the accumulated experience of drawing structures)?

    • Thanks Alison. Good question. I have drawn this scene so often I can do it without the “tools” but if I were to sit down in front of this for the first time I would certainly be thinking about eye level and vanishing points. I never forget my Stephanie Bower lessons!

  13. Interesting snapshot of Olde Quebec. I really like how you captured the buildings with a few simple washes, and included people and telephone poles and even garbage cans.

  14. dennis pendleton says:

    Shari, I tried to sign up for your course “Sketching Structure In The Garden” and was not able to sign up for the corse. Is it no longer being offered? I would like to take the class so please let me know. Dennis R. Pendleton

    • HI Dennis. Thanks for checking. The course is definitely still available. I just had two registrations in the past hour. Please let me know what happens when you try to register. Thanks, Shari

  15. Uma Maheswar Nakka says:

    Good Evening dear Shari,

    A very lovely painting and excellent color combination as usual.


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