The past few days

The weather has been so beautiful these past few days and I’d rather be painting than sitting at the scanner in my basement office. But now it’s piling up, so time to get to it.

At the start of gardening season, on one of my first outings after the lockdown, I bought this plant at a garden centre. I had no idea what it was but its shiny green leaves and the promise of lots of flowers attracted me. It has not disappointed. When I finally read the tag I discovered that it’s a Dipladenia. It’s constantly putting out new buds that open into flowers that remind me of propellers.

Yesterday morning I painted on a street corner in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. At the corner of rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste and rue Saint Thomas. I wasn’t happy with what I did on location because the colours were a little flat. I came home and redid it in studio, this time a little brighter.

This morning I took a drive to see what was happening on Lac St. Louis. Summer camps have started up again and the kids were having a sailing lesson.

There was also a couple deep in conversation on a bench in back of me. I just had time to draw them before they got up and walked away. They probably saw me drawing them. I painted them from memory. Then a guy sat on a rock in front of me. Before I had time to paint him he walked away too. But by then I was hungry and went home for lunch.

14 Comments on “The past few days”

  1. Christine Brown says:

    Please be careful with Alice around Dipladenia. It is capable of producing unfortunate effects, not poison per se but discomfort if she eats any.

  2. Bernadette says:

    Love the sketches and especially the grayish background surrounding the Dipladenia. It makes the blossoms “pop.” I’ll have try using it.
    It’s been miserably hot here in my neck of the woods. Way too hot to paint outdoors for me!

    • Bernadette, it’s really hot here too. A heat wave all week. I go out early before the worst of the day. Remind me where you live. I think you’ve told me already, but of course I forgot.

  3. extraordinary!

  4. Jane S says:

    I agree: Extraordinary. All SUCH beautiful paintings! I bought Dipladenia for the first time this summer too! Only mine are pink. Your painting of yours is gorgeous. LOVED those Day Lilies yesterday too!

  5. jameswebbart says:

    Dear Shari, You’re showing signs in getting up to speed in the “writing”of watercolors for which you have great talent. I myself when up to speed in doing watercolors doesn’t even think about every stroke as it just happens. What is fascinating for me is the beautiful accidents that normally happens. It’s been a depressing time these past few months that has affected what I do, however, I’m starting to shake it off by forcing myself in doing a small watercolor per day. In August I will be launching my blog on the WordPress site I have. Keep it up !

  6. Denise says:

    What a busy few days, with lovely results!

  7. Uma Maheswar Nakka says:

    Good Evening dear friend Shari,

    All sketches are really amazing.
    Dipladenia looks very beautiful not ignoring the other sketches..
    I love the way you have drawn the centre building in the second sketch.

  8. joantav says:

    Flowers, landscapes, water, and people…there is no end to your talent. Lovely work, Shari!

  9. sandidureice says:

    Lovely story for the last one. And a nice lot of movement in the second one.

  10. Nice paintings, I really like the people on the bench, and the street scene. I also have a Dipladenia, but it is bright red.

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