A very fast step-by-step

The daisies in the garden are at their best right now, and the Coreopsis that I painted a few weeks ago are fading. I sketched this one using lots of negative painting and a mostly limited palette of Alizarin Crimson, Phthalo Green and Winsor Lemon, with a bit of Cadmium Yellow for the shrivelled Coreopsis.

At the same time, I did a few videos for an Instagram story. I should have taken step-by-step photos too, but I was in a bit of a hurry before an appointment, so short videos are all I have. Here they are, included with the captions from Instagram, which you will notice are also very concise. Next time I promise to be a bit less brief in my documentation of the process.

Step One: Paint everything but the whites
Step two: Negative painting for stems and leaves
Step three: Add the details

19 Comments on “A very fast step-by-step”

  1. Bernadette says:

    How sweet to include Alice, your faithful companion. Love the painting. I’ve noticed lots of daisies while on my daily walk and wondered how to begin painting the white beauties. Your images were very helpful to me. Thanks.

  2. Judy Sopher says:

    Love to follow how you approach a subject and how you paint. The result is amazing. I especially like the color combination. Lovely painting.

  3. janeguest58@gmail.com says:

    Hi Shari,

    It’s been really fun doing all your courses online, thank you for so many good pointers.

    I was down at PCYC sketching the other day and thought of you of course as I did the Optis out on the lake and the clubhouse.

    I can’t seem to make there videos work on this email. There is nothing on them??

    Can you please advise.

    Thank you and enjoy the rest of this amazing Covid summer!


  4. Beautiful! 💕

  5. Inspiring!
    Love seeing Alice!

  6. Nicole Fortier says:

    Thank you for all the generous advice that you share with us. Merci!

  7. Tami says:

    I too love seeing Miss Alice at your side- reminds me of our dogs:) I tried what you did with tough results! I must not have moved as fast as I need to because the paper was drying faster than I wanted. I did a wet in wet approach using the colors you did, but getting around the ‘white’ of the petals proved a challenge. Any thoughts to help here?! Thanks! Just beautiful as always and thanks for the post!

  8. Soni says:

    thanks for sharing a complicated lesson – well done WC

    I’m biased loving the Alice shots …. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in the flesh but I’d know her anywhere

  9. Loved seeing the negative painting. When I try to do it, I feel like my brain is turning upside down, thanks for the help understanding it, would love to see a class on it!

  10. Chris Rusk says:

    I always feel as though I am ‘there’ when I look at your paintings – now with your two videos today, it is more so. Thanks for such a nice treat for the senses – great work as always, thx 🙂

  11. joantav says:

    Nicely done! I always find it hard to get the shapes right in negative painting. You make it look so easy!

  12. Theresa Chruscinski says:

    Daisies are my favourite flower. They’re always so happy.
    Thank you for the demo Shari! Will give it a try!

  13. Tami says:

    I love this Shari! I tried to follow in your footsteps as it were, and found myself getting quickly ‘lost’ trying to do negative painting. How does one go about this negative painting in a way to avoid this!? Not experienced with this technique. Thanks.

    • Tami, thanks for writing. I hope to do a class on this technique one of these days. That way you’ll be able to see it develop more slowly. And I will certainly write about the class release here on my blog!

  14. mcammeehan says:

    thanks for the step by step, I’m attempting my daisies today

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