Étang aux hérons

I’m so appreciative when friends tell me about a location where they think I might find subjects to paint. Last Saturday, before our snowfall, we took Alice on a scouting mission to find Technoparc Oiseaux.

This wetland and forest area is wedged between the airport and an industrial park. It’s divided into different sections, each one with its own maps and trails (only one allows dog walking), and is apparently the #1 birding site on the island of Montreal. The trails are a bit hard to find since this is an area maintained by volunteers and not part of an municipal or provincial parkland, but once you find the place, the views are worth the search. We only explored one section — mostly because I had a hard time keeping the Labrador Retriever out of the water — but I can tell I will find lots to paint in all seasons in these wetlands, so thank you my friends, for pointing me in the right direction.

29 Comments on “Étang aux hérons”

  1. Jane Hannah says:

    Sooo bloody gorgeous Shari — wow!


  2. Jane S says:

    Wow! Beautiful, Shari!


  3. loisajay says:

    Love all the cattails!


  4. De says:

    Wow! You captured the light so well in this painting! Beautiful painting!


  5. Bernadette says:

    Absolutely gorgeous! Even with such a limited pallet you have worked wonders! I could eat this one…for my thanksgiving dessert! Thank you for sharing.


  6. tylaraduncan says:

    Love the bullrushes!


  7. Donna says:

    Great sketch. Technical question….did you use white paint or leave white paper around the cat tails. I would not be able to plan the white paper!! Looking forward to what you will find in this area.


    • HI Donna,
      That’s a good question. I used no white paint in this. I actually managed to reserve those little white shapes because I drew them in pencil first. I briefly considered masking them, but then decided I was just going to try painting around them, and it worked, so happy I avoided the masking.


  8. Sarah says:

    Hi Shari,

    I grew up a mile west of here, never knew about it. Going to have to check it out. Thanks for posting about it! And a lovely painting, as always…

    I thought I’d reply with an attachment concerning something I am starting to put together, since I am no longer working at Galerie d’Art Pointe Claire. Thought you might be interested, or know someone who might be.

    Thanks very much. I do love your blog.



  9. It looks like a beautiful wetland area.


  10. Iona says:

    That’s fabulous! The light on the water, just wonderful and the sky colour is beautiful. Could you please tell what palette/colours you used?
    Thanks for your blog, it’s the first thing I check in the morning. A breakfast treat!


    • Hi Iona,
      Thanks so much for writing! For this I used mostly Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna and Alizarin Crimson. There’s also a little Cobalt Blue for variety but it’s mostly warm colours.
      I hope that helps.


  11. This is an absolutely perfect depiction of this vegetation and scene at this time of year. Simply lovely.


  12. Lee Kline says:




  13. Linda Murray says:

    Wow! And wow!


  14. joantav says:

    Lovely job on this!!! This reminds me of our marsh areas here. I love your saved lights that give this so much sparkle.


  15. Marilyn says:

    I’ll put it on my list of places to visit when I get back to Montreal!


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