Early winter

In December the snow comes and goes, and it’s usually not until January that we have a solid base that lasts until the spring. Last week we were out on a walk in my favourite wooded area near the house. In the early morning the sun was low and the shadows long. I snapped a quick photo and painted it later in the day from home. The snow is gone now, the woods are back to shades of brown, but I am patient. It will be back soon. Painted on a pad of Arches CP paper, using lots of Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson, and my favourite blues for snow: Ultramarine, Cobalt and Cerulean.

43 Comments on “Early winter”

  1. Wonderfully evocative. I feel I’m right there.
    More snow is on the way!

  2. We don’t get snow in Austin, Texas and I really enjoy your winter scenes!. I can feel the chill. Would you please post the photograph you drew this from so I can see your interpretation?

  3. Iona says:

    Just beautiful. Love those little flicks of gold leaves still hanging out in the branches.

  4. Denise says:

    No one does snow better!

  5. sandidureice says:


  6. Nice scene of the snow, whatever happened to the day when snow stayed in early December. Its strange how the climate is changing.

    • Very strange Shawn, but I did read something from a meteorologist who said that in Eastern Canada we will have a cold winter and lots of snow. Let’s see if that’s true.

  7. mcammeehan says:

    Just lovely. Fresh snow is so calming and inspiring.

  8. Richard Lee says:

    OMG Shari that is just plain amazing. Centuries from now when we talk about the “masters,” in art, we definitely will be talking about your work!

    • Richard, that is so kind but I really don’t know what to say.
      No, not a master, just persistent. I keep churning them out. Sometimes I get a good one. Lots go in the recycling. But glad you like it.

  9. Marilyn Hansen says:

    Lovely! And great colors for the snow. Thank you for the advice Shari!

  10. Jeff Gold says:

    Beautiful, as always. It brings to mind an earlier composition from last year (or before?) at the same location. The rocks add so much to the composition and the arc they create provides so much foreground interest. The backlighting adds immensely to the drama. Terrific, especially knowing it was done after the fact from a photo (not your usual preference).

    • Thanks Jeff. Yes, I have painted this little bit of woods near my house many times. Sometimes there is more snow, sometimes there is less. I’ve never done it “en plein air” though. It’s always in the studio because it’s too cold now to paint outside. It’s always better on a sunny day!

  11. Linda Murray says:

    Your favorite, and one of mine, Shari! Love everything about this painting. The colors, the shadows, the rocks. I feel like I am standing in those woods- cold, quiet and the crunch of my boots in the snow. Just beautiful!

  12. Prior... says:

    wow – love the frocks and snow between – so nice

  13. Laura Kate says:

    This week I’ve been inspired by seeing the shadows from the low December sun. But I seem to lack confidence in my skill to paint that subject.

  14. Beautiful. The color combination makes it.

  15. Mary says:

    I’d love you to do a course on painting snow. This is beautiful – so evocative of feeling.

  16. loisajay says:

    Shari–I love your snow scenes. That blue really makes me shiver–so realistic!

  17. Bernadette says:

    Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful shadows….oh my!

  18. Carol Bershad says:

    Shari, you make Winter look good. Beautiful shadows. Carol

  19. Stephanie Katchmar says:

    Absolutely beautiful Shari! I love the lighting.


    From: The Sketchbook Reply-To: The Sketchbook Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 8:36 AM To: Subject: [New post] Early winter

    Shari Blaukopf posted: ” In December the snow comes and goes, and it’s usually not until January that we have a solid base that lasts until the spring. Last week we were out on a walk in my favourite wooded area near the house. In the early morning the sun was low and the shadow”

  20. joantav says:

    Wonderful shadows on the snow!!! You make it look so easy, but I know it isn’t. Well done!

  21. rothpoetry says:

    Very nicely done. I love the effects of the shadows on the snow!

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