Look out

When you can’t get out to sketch, do the next best thing. Put something near a window and sketch that. I always find that natural light does the most beautiful things to objects. I have a little collection of bottles in my office. Even though I’m in a basement and the bottles face out onto a most unattractive metal rim of a window well, looking at their shapes and colours and how the light hits them makes them exciting despite the drabness of their surroundings. Sketched in an Etchr Perfect Sketchbook, A4 size.

18 Comments on “Look out”

  1. TonyU says:

    Hope you got as much pleasure from emptying some of those bottles as you did from painting them? Needs must in tough times!

  2. Marilyn Hansen says:

    I love this Shari! Great idea, and I have been practicing with painting glass in different media. I wish you would maybe do a workshop on painting glass in watercolor!

  3. Oliver says:

    My dear, you are an inspiration.

  4. sandidureice says:


  5. Looks like you were having fun with this one.

  6. Bernadette says:

    Lovely rendition!

  7. Prior... says:

    there is such a timeless feel here – glass and color and light – really beautiful along the horizontal like that
    and cool way to make the most of nkt getting out

  8. Judy Sopher says:

    Love how you paint glass. And also thanks for ideas for painting indoors.Question-have you tried Arteza paper? Keeps coming up on Amazon.

  9. Absolutely beautiful Shari. Your sketch is a wonderful nudge of inspiration this morning.

  10. gjjp55 says:

    Love this new painting!


    On Mon., Feb. 8, 2021, 4:37 p.m. Shari Blaukopf’s Sketchbook, wrote:

    > Shari Blaukopf posted: ” When you can’t get out to sketch, do the next > best thing. Put something near a window and sketch that. I always find that > natural light does the most beautiful things to objects. I have a little > collection of bottles in my office. Even though I’m in a ba” >

  11. Uma Maheswar Nakka says:

    Good Morning dear Shari,

    This is a very good hobby. I collect the very attractive bottles and use some of them as flower vases.

    Good sketch and beautiful.
    Regards and blessings.

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