Bulbs 41-51

As I suspected, all the tulips in the garden are blooming at the same time. These red ones were so bright, so shockingly red, that they required special treatment. I pulled out my Neocolor II Watersoluble pastels. I haven’t used these much but they are perfect for the paper I’m working on because they don’t need much water to release vivid colour.

Here’s what I’ve done so far in the concertina sketchbook. It measures about 6 ft across and I am just about halfway through the first side of the book.

If you’re looking for a great book about art, artists, spring, and much more, I highly recommend the just-released “Spring Cannot be Cancelled: David Hockney in Normandy” by Martin Gayford. If you’ve been following this blog for a while you know that I am a fan of Hockney’s work, and I’ve also enjoyed many books by Gayford. This one is a true joy, especially during this difficult pandemic year. It’s a book that I am reading slowly and cherishing every moment that I have with it.

17 Comments on “Bulbs 41-51”

  1. Denise says:

    Loving the progress of your emerging garden- can I just “plant” this sketchbook in my yard next year? Thanks for the shout out regarding the book. Always on the look out for a good read.

  2. karim waked says:

    Have a beau’iful & fit week-end gal!

    514 9944433

  3. Marilyn Hansen says:

    Wonderful! I love your flowers. Aren’t the Neocolor II great!? I use them also for underpaintings in my pastel work. Enjoy!!

    • Thanks Marilyn. Yes, I love the Neocolor! I can imagine that they would be great under pastel work. How exactly do you use them? I’d love to hear.

      • Marilyn says:

        I do use them along with watercolor sometimes, but I use them as an underpainting for pastel work. Works wonderfully for florals and landscapes, sometimes using complimentary colors!

  4. Elaine says:

    That is so cool! I’ve not heard of the water soluble pastels – something new to try 🙂 Love the concertina sketchbook, another something new! Did you make it? It’s coming out beautiful!

    • Hi Elaine, I did not make the sketchbook. This one is from Seawhite of Brighton. It’s so wonderfully huge. I just love unfolding it and I’m so glad I found a project to fill up the whole thing!

  5. lois says:

    Shari–your garden is gorgeous!

  6. Dalia says:

    I am loving the arrival of spring with your lovely watercolours. Thank you for sharing them.
    I too am slowly savouring Spring Cannot Be Cancelled with Hockney and Gayford.
    Every page is a sensuous delight!
    I like to think that Hockney himself chose the exquisite paper it is printed on.

    • Dalia, I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying the book too. I was also noticing the beautiful printing and paper and you’re right, I am sure Hockney chose it himself. I also love the dust jacket with the spot varnish on his work. Have your read their other collaboration “A History of Pictures”. I don’t have it but reading this has made me think I would also enjoy that book. I’d love to hear if you’ve read it.

  7. Good Afternoon Dear friend Shari,

    These are good and beautiful as the ones before.


    • Thank you so much my friend. I hope you are well. I know that things are not good these days in India. I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.

      • Good Morning dear friend Shari.

        By God’s grace and your good wishes, we are all safe and healthy including my beloved pet Miss Amber.

        Thank you and blessings

  8. Dalia says:

    I was very sorry to hear about your back. I hope you have a chance to rest it and read a bit of your Hockney book. He would be proud of your work ethic.

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