
I’m back at my desk, mostly unpacked from my travels, and finally sitting down in front of my trusty scanner. In the next few days I’ll post a few sketches that I did in Utah, but before I get to that, I have one from Bayfield, Wisconsin. There’s a great memory associated with this one. I sketched it on the afternoon of our last day of the workshop at MISA, sitting in Bayfield with my fellow instructors Uma, Jim and Paul. We bought ice cream from a takeout window and then sat in the park to sketch a bit before dinner. We were all pretty tired from long days of teaching, so first we spent a fair bit of time staring out at the boats going by and getting a sugar boost from the ice cream. Even after that it seemed that no one had much energy to sketch, but we all managed to find a pen or a brush and put something down on paper. I was too tired to think about colour so I just painted with blue paint. And as with so many sketches done on location, for me it will always be evocative not so much of what I saw at the time but of what I felt in the moment — a wonderful mix of exhaustion and happiness and a fair bit of guilt for eating a giant cup of French Silk Pie ice cream.

35 Comments on “Bayfield”

  1. melissa van ness says:

    Begone, foul guilt! Life’s too short to abstain from ice cream.

    I love the shades of blue in your sketch. You do so much with so little.

  2. sara m craig says:

    love it Shari It feels ice creamy


  3. De says:

    I can’t wait to “grow into an artist” so I can sketch like that when I’m tired. Maybe ice cream helps, I’ll have to try that. : )) It’s beautiful, Shari! Never would have thought you lagged anything.

    • Thanks De. I don’t know if it was the ice cream as much as the fatigue that worked for this one. Maybe if you’re tired you worry less about the outcome, and the result is fresher. So my advice: paint when tired!!

  4. OMS (Oh My Shari) . . .Love Love Love all the blues, That ice cream works !!!

  5. Donna Skelcy says:

    I like it!

  6. Cindy Wahlstrom says:

    Your time away traveling and teaching sounds wonderful!

  7. Phil Corlis says:

    Ice cream? I’ll be sure and add that to my “away kit.”

  8. ksmiley2015 says:

    As usual, that shows only your pleasure in the moment. Why else sit down and sketch? Lovely. Thank you. ak

  9. Jane S says:

    Wow! Amazing to see what you can create when you’re too exhausted to sketch!… Beautiful! Glad you had a great trip!

    On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 5:21 PM Shari Blaukopf’s Sketchbook wrote:

    > Shari Blaukopf posted: ” I’m back at my desk, mostly unpacked from my > travels, and finally sitting down in front of my trusty scanner. In the > next few days I’ll post a few sketches that I did in Utah, but before I get > to that, I have one from Bayfield, Wisconsin. There’s a great” >

  10. Iona says:

    Ooo, ice cream and sketching, sounds perfect to me! And I agree with Jane S – even when you are exhausted you turn out fantastic sketches. Thanks for sharing that, as always, you inspire.

  11. Denise says:

    Beauty in the simplicity, a one color wonder!

  12. deedster56 says:

    Shari, this looks exactly like what you were feeling but substitute ‘creamy’ for ‘guilty’ and add peaceful and serene. What a joy it is that you shared this with us.

  13. The blue really works for this composition, Jane.

  14. I’m glad your sugar high gave you enough energy to capture the scene in front of you. Lovely in blue!

  15. jankto says:

    Ice cream – so that’s the secret! And to think I’ve spent so much money on the new brush or the new tube of paint that never quite miraculously improved my skills. Now I know I just need to eat more ice cream. LOL.

  16. Uma says:

    Good Evening dear friend Shari,
    Very beautiful sketch with a single color.
    I love the way you have drawn those groups of people.
    I am surprised, you have one more Uma among your fellow instructors.
    Wishing you a much more happy time.

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