Impulse buy

I didn’t go to the store to buy flowers but there they were, near the cash. A pale bouquet of tulips. I brought them home and didn’t realize how much I missed seeing flowers until I put them in a vase. I did a quick watercolour of them because even closed, they were beautiful.

I like to have them hanging around to draw when I have a few spare minutes, so I brought them to my studio and sketched them again in ink while chatting with friends on Zoom.

They’ve finally opened and deepened in colour, and my Friday afternoon reward was to paint them again. They’re pale pink but I had some fresh Permanent Rose on my palette, so I took a few liberties with colour intensity.

28 Comments on “Impulse buy”

  1. -N- says:

    Nothing like flowers to make a day brighter!

  2. Chris Rusk says:

    Rewarding journey! Love your colours 🙂

  3. Oh, that pale pink in the the first watercolor. It is a great idea to paint and sketch them a few times. I even like the flowers when they are past their prime. Thanks for such cheerful images!

  4. Rosemary Manthey says:

    Just love Sharis work.

  5. Cindy Wahlstrom says:


  6. Lynn Bowen says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  7. Denise says:

    These are stunning! Just bursting with “spring”.

  8. C´est très beau

  9. sandidureice says:

    Oh wow, I love this looseness. Beautiful.

  10. Judy Sopher says:

    Your flowers are always so delicate. One of my aunts who was an artist always had flowers too. When I was young, I didn’t understand. She said it was as important as food. Of course I get it now.

  11. Iona says:

    Just lovely Shari, all three sketches. I love your tulip paintings! My favourite spring flower. Looking forward to sketching birds with you in Sketchbook Revival!

  12. Diane BĂ©langer says:

    Thank you it is beautiful .

  13. Les says:

    Shari, very nicely done. Do you try to keep within your pencil sketch? Do you have any rules for yourself when it comes to applying the brush stokes to the pencil sketch?

    I ask because sometimes I feel like I am too rigid at the brush stage.

    • Hi Les, That’s a good question. I guess I do try to keep within the pencil sketch but I try to make the washes loose within the borders. For me, the pencil lines are especially important on the stems. If I did those only with a brush, they wouldn’t look very good. So I guess it’s best for me to have a good drawing and a loose painting.

  14. mcammeehan says:

    I did the same thing, went to get bread, cheese, eggs and milk, but tulips caught my eye and working on a painting right now! Thank you for sharing yours and the steps.

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