Roy Street

I cracked open a new sketchbook today and stopped to sketch on my way to school. I have to say that it’s been difficult to focus on work this week because the light outdoors, especially between 4 and 6 pm, has been spectacular. All I want to do is paint, and an observant student might occasionally catch me looking longingly out the window when I am supposed to be teaching. The foliage is at its most vivid as well, and as the sun sets it turns the trees electric. We’ve had some windy days (and nights) which make for wonderful cloud formations but by next week some of those fiery trees will be bare, and then all I have to look forward to is painting snow.


26 Comments on “Roy Street”

  1. Denise says:

    I could gaze at your paintings all day!

  2. Sadje says:

    Beautiful painting. You have a great talent. Thanks for sharing

  3. I hear you! We’ve had some beautiful sunsets here in the Albany, NY area, too…but I am mostly seeing them while driving home from work. The leaves are golden in the morning light as well and time is ticking! I love the way you are able to capture a scene so quickly– I recognize that piece of warm yellow light on the top of the tree and the dark sky behind, just before the whole scene goes cold. Glad you cracked open the new book!

  4. Great Sketch!! BTW I am using the great tips I learned from you in Porto!!

  5. Alison says:

    Yes! The light at the end of the day has been spectacular. Will you have a chance to paint your favourite tree?

  6. Bruce Martin says:


  7. Lee Warren says:

    Shari, I especially love your fall sketches and like how how you’ve captured here the overhanging cloudiness. With anticipation of seeing more trees in upcoming posts, can you tell us how you apply the different values? Do you let each value completely dry before adding the next? I see sharp edges. On 140 lb paper I tend to drop in increasing darks but find sketchbooks less inviting to this technique. So, what brand of sketchbook is the newest?

    • HI Lee, How nice to hear from you.
      In answer to your question about the process, I do an overall wash of light tree values, leaving the whites unpainted of course. There are not too many whites in this one. For the trees, I gradually glazed in darks in layers, letting each layer dry before add the next one. If I am working on watercolour paper, I will also add darks to wet midtone values but can’t do much of that in a sketchbook. I am still using the Handbook watercolour journal because that is still the best for my quick daily sketches. I hope that helps.

  8. Judy Sopher says:

    Another lovely painting. Really captures the shade below the massive trees. Again, your use of wires adds a lot. And while you(and most people I know) are not looking forward to snow, I look forward to your winter paintings.I love your snow scenes

    • Judy, I look forward to the snow too! In fact, I heard on the radio this morning that there were a flakes spotted in Montreal yesterday. So it is indeed on its way.

  9. ChesapkLady says:

    As always, this is wonderful, but Shari, you are truly a master at painting snow! I can hear the crunch and feel the cold when I look at your blue snow shadows. Thanks, as always, for sharing your work.

  10. joantav says:

    Capture as many of these lovely scenes as you can, Shari. I am enjoying every one!!!

  11. Benadette says:

    You handle greens so well and varied. Sometimes I find my landscapes fall flat because of little variation. You have captured well this season of change with rich and luscious colors. Your work is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing and thank you for squeezing in time enough to paint and share with us.

  12. Dee Ludwig says:

    But you paint the snow as beautifully as everything else.

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