Vernissage photos

I thought I’d share some photos of this afternoon’s vernissage at Galerie Carlos. I’ve been working on this series of paintings — mostly half-sheet watercolours of Montreal winter scenes — for the past few months, so it was exciting to see the work finally come together all in one place. The gallery is situated in the cafeteria of the Old Brewery Mission, in a really bright space with a long brick wall — kind of an ideal backdrop for scenes which so often feature this city’s red brick buildings. I had lots of help putting this together today — people pitched in to put up the paintings, attached the tags, baked cookies and just came to see the work and say hi. If you were part of that, thanks for making it an amazing experience.

Photos courtesy of Sue Porter.

42 Comments on “Vernissage photos”

  1. Exemplary art in a terrific venue — a feast for the eyes and for the clientele.

  2. ibstarboard says:

    Congratulations! Wish I could come see!Linda Cherry

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  3. Wayne Bissky says:

    C’est si bon!

  4. Congratulations Shari!

  5. Donna says:

    Very nice….would love to see this.

  6. Paul Elton says:

    They look great. Not long before your book comes out. I have been looking forward to it since June last year.

  7. Everything looks wonderful!

  8. Looks wonderful!

  9. DiniAlice says:

    Wonderful show! Thanks for sharing.

  10. timdada says:

    Hi Shari,

    I looked at that photo and I wondered if you thought, like I do that the price of framing one’s art professionally is outrageously expensive these days. And that us regular artists are discouraged by the high costs. And on top of the gallery’s cut it’s almost impossible to break in. Just a thought.

    Always impressed, Tim


    • HI Tim,
      I am very lucky here in Montreal. I have a reasonably priced framer. Many of my artist friends get their work framed there too. I can’t believe what other places charge compared to him — sometimes twice or three times what he charges me. So I have feel very fortunate.
      As for galleries, that is a whole other discussion. In this case, the gallery is in the cafeteria of the Old Brewery Mission which is a homeless shelter. The work has no prices on it, and is not technically for sale there, although if anyone wanted to purchase something they could contact me.
      The gallery was created as a space where the people who use the services of the shelter can also enjoy looking at art. And it was really interesting to talk to many of the men at the show. They recognized a lot of the places depicted in my paintings, and we had some good discussions.
      When the work comes down I will look for another space to hang it in.

  11. Ghislaine Gargaro says:

    Looks like such a beautiful show. Wish I was in Montreal. Many happy sales. Congratulations!

  12. gaelle1947 says:

    Super thrilled for you Shari. Great to see your work displayed in the beautiful City you so amazingly and lovingly painted. Montreal is very lucky to have you!

  13. Shari, I know you’ve posted these paintings along the way on the blog, but it wold be so lovely to post them in one blogpost , so those of us that can’t come see the show in person can still look at it all together and pretend we’re there 🙂 Bg congratulations, how wonderful!!

  14. Nancy Waldron says:


  15. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Congratualtions, your art looks impressive all framed. I am sure the public will enjoy it.

  16. bmweeks says:

    Congratulations! The show looks marvelous. I wish I could see it in person!

  17. Sharon Mann says:

    Wonderful collection. I love following your city painting.

  18. Erik Madsen says:

    Very nice show, I really like the way you blend in sketching with your watercolors, very nice style. Good work!

  19. Richard Lee says:

    You are a real inspiration!

  20. Jeff Gold says:

    It was a great treat to be able to participate in the vernissage for this beautiful show. All of the paintings are stunning as always. The theme of mainly Montreal winter scenes gives the show a real coherence and the venue seems perfect for displaying them. I only wish it was available for more people to see. Thank you for letting us be a part of this memorable event.

  21. Judith Sopher says:

    I want to add my congratulations. I think half sheets are a challenge.( I know some people use full sheets but I think a quarter sheet is big enough for me. )

    These paintings are so great. I have your little book on “Mostly Montreal” which I have almost devoured so many times. Good luck with the show.

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