In between goodbye and hello

My first group of students from my San Miguel de Allende workhop is headed home today, and another group is arriving this evening. In the middle of the goodbyes and the hellos, I spent a few quiet hours sketching on my own at locations I had seen during the week but never stopped at.

The Mercado de Artesanias has an interesting entrance because it’s on a downhill slope with little stores on either side. I found a great seat on some stairs where I could see all the colours and activity as the crowds arrived for Sunday shopping.

I’ve also been itching to sketch the view of Parroquia de San Miguel de Arcangel from Calle Aldama — a street we walk on every day to get to our locations. I haven’t been able to do a demo there because there’s nowhere to stand on the narrow sidewalks, but when I’m on my own I can sit on the curb without disturbing too much of the pedestrian traffic. More about the workshop soon, when I can scan my work and post some photos from a fantastic week.

24 Comments on “In between goodbye and hello”

  1. Your sketches have captured the atmosphere of the location. Your earth or brick tones are really good. Nice and clean or transparent.

  2. C Cannon says:

    Those are lovely!

  3. joantav says:

    I love how colorful each sketch is!!! These are so good! I can imagine seeing the locations and having them stick in your mind as a “have to go back and do this.” Thanks for sharing the trip with us!

  4. Judy Sopher says:

    As above, I can hardly believe how colorful the area is and your paintings have been.They are happy paintings. Thanks for including the photos. I’ll never go to Mexico but can enjoy it thru your work.

  5. tylaraduncan says:

    oh the oranges, reds and teals! juicy beautiful colours.

  6. Arolyn says:

    I envy your ability to get the perspective correct. Despite knowing all the rules, when I am doing quick sketches, I can’t pull out rulers and do things systematically.

    I have visited San Miguel and done paintings of some of the things you are doing. Wish I could join you. I love your art work, your style and your posts and books.

    • Hi Arolyn, Thanks so much for writing. Perspective is something I work on all the time. Reading Stephanie Bower’s book and watching her videos has really helped me understand it. I don’t use a rulers when I draw, but I do try to get the main lines right. Glad you like the posts and the sketches!

  7. Taria Dawson says:

    I was living in San Miguel de Allende for 6 months in 2019, I would have loved to attend a workshop with you there, I guess my timing did not work out! It’s such a gorgeous town. I would love for you to see some of my sketches from when I was there if you get a few moments to look: I love your sketch Shari, and I am always keeping an eye out for your workshops, hoping I can attend one day!

    • Hi Taria,
      Thanks so much for writing and for sending a link to your sketches. I like them a lot! You’ve really captured the light and colour of this special place. Maybe one of these days we will be there at the same time. I love Mexico and hope to do more workshops there in the future.

  8. Kirk says:

    Love the colors!

  9. Ginny says:

    Please share information on the color palette you are using! The colors are so evocative!

    • HI Ginny, I brought my regular watercolour palette colours, but there is heavy use of Quin Gold, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna and Naples Yellow. Glad you like them!

  10. Nice paintings, you really captured the streets well.

  11. TonyU says:

    San Miguel looks just like your sketches … wonderful!

  12. Uma Maheswar Nakka says:

    Good Afternoon dear friend Shari,

    Both the sketches look quite natural and pleasant.
    Thanks for sharing all your beautiful works.
    Blessings from Uma

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