Announcing “Light, Colour, Shadow” — a new online course!

Hopefully wherever you are in the world, things are opening up and you’ll be able to do some social distance outdoor sketching very soon. In preparation for sunny days, I’ve just launched my newest online course — Light, Colour, Shadow: The Essential Triad for Watercolour Sketching. It’s a class you can do at your own pace, from the comfort of home, and hopefully it will make you feel confident going out on a sunny day to sketch your own sunlit scene. At a safe distance, of course.

Like the previous Sketching Structure in the Garden, I’ve packed this new course with tips and techniques for making your sketches come alive.
You’ll learn how to: 

  • Paint lights and darks more effectively
  • Use shadows to give form and volume to subjects
  • Mix the best colours for subjects in sun and in shade
  • Mix your own glowing shadow colours (rather than using diluted blacks or pre-mixed grey)

The course includes:

  • Seven full-length video demonstrations that illustrate key concepts
  • Downloadable reference images
  • A full list of materials

For a preview of “Light, Colour, Shadow,” check out the trailer.

21 Comments on “Announcing “Light, Colour, Shadow” — a new online course!”

  1. Yvonne Carpenter says:

    Just signed up – will start today 🙂 Thank you!!

  2. Denise says:

    My credit card is in hand, ready to sign on for your second online course. I don’t doubt that this one will be equally as informative and fun as the first! Keep them coming,

  3. 64mark says:

    Shari, I’m interested in ‘Sketching Structure in the garden.’ I’m just not exactly sure when I’ll be doing it. It’s a Youtube file or is it in a format that allows me to do it sometime later at my convenience. OR, even repeat a couple months or so from now.


    Don Markofski

    • HI Don, Thanks for checking! The course is not a download. You can watch it from the device of your choice, and you have lifetime access. The garden course is split into 11 lessons so you can watch them at your own convenience, one at a time or all at once. I hope that helps. Shari

  4. Thank you …signed up. Such a good subject!

  5. edelgadopaint says:

    Hello Shari,

    I have two questions about the course. Will we have this course for our use for any time length we wish? Also, would this course be helpful for those of us who don’t do “sketchbook painting,” but rather finished paintings that we can frame?

    Thanks so much for the information!

    Evelyn Delgado

    Portland, Oregon

    • Hi. Good questions. Yes, you will have lifetime access to the course so you can watch the lessons at your leisure. As for framing your work, in this course I work on cut sheets of paper, not in a sketchbook, so you will be able to put all you paintings in frames. I hope that helps Evelyn. Best regards,

  6. mcammeehan says:

    i’m so excited to do this course!

  7. Patricia Burkhardt says:

    I am trying to sign up for your new course. When I get to the sign up and pay page I get a spinning wheel, and am unable to complete the process. Any suggestions? Thanks. Patricia Burkhardt Ashland, Oregon, USA

    • Hi Patricia, sorry I didn’t respond sooner. Is the spinning wheel from your web browser, like it froze. Or is it the site itself?
      Here are some suggestions. Can you let me know if any of these work?
      1. It could be the web browser you are using. If you are using Safari, try switching to Chrome.
      2. Log out of the site and log back in again.
      3. Switch your device. If you are using a computer, and you have an iPad, try that.
      If none of these options work, please let me know and I will contact Customer Service.

  8. Liz Lystra says:

    I’ve signed up again. Glad your prices are as they are during this time when some budgets are very tight …. but they really should be higher.

    • Liz, I really appreciate that. I am taking into account that these are difficult times, and I want as many people as possible to be able to register. Especially since so many workshops have been cancelled for 2020. I can always evaluate again when the economy is better. Thanks for writing!

  9. Agnès says:

    Hello Shari and bravo !
    Is it possible to pay your courses in euros ? If yes, what is the price ?

  10. Betsy says:

    Very excited to see this offering! Great topic. My, you’ve been busy!

  11. Patti Tvergyak says:

    I am really enjoying your class on water. I see you have a group of three. Can I still get a discount if I order the other two?
    Also I took a class from you through Craftsy. Is it still possible to access it?
    Love your teaching style and your work.

    • HI Patti, If you email me at I can send you a discount coupon for the courses. As for Craftsy, the course are still available. Craftsy was just bought by another company but everything is still accessible. And thanks for all the kind words about my work! Much appreciated. Shari

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