
There’s an unexpected treat in the landscape this week — snowballs hanging from the trees. Our snowfall on Saturday left clumps of heavy snow on the trees which somehow remained there and then froze with the colder weather that followed. When the sun came out today there was the bonus of glints and sparkles of ice. Sketched in my Etchr sketchbook using two blues, a violet and some Burnt Umber.

20 Comments on “Snowballs”

  1. I LOVE when the snow just hangs in the trees after a storm.. beautiful sketch..Eileen


  2. Paul says:

    You are truly Canada’s “Snow Queen”, just gorgeous Shari!!!

  3. Wonderful snow scene! I love looking at it after it freezes.

  4. Donna says:

    What a treat. Glad you were able to capture it

  5. Those shadows are so effective!

  6. Bernadette says:

    It’s a beauty! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh, I love this Shari!
    I was looking at the snowballs today and wondered how one could paint them. I knew you’d be out enjoying the light and the snow.

  8. Betsy says:

    This is amazing.

  9. Interesting weather phenomenon, and very good sketch. You really captured the dull blues of snow very well.

  10. Susan Simpson says:

    this is so beautiful!

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