Winter boatyard

After yesterday’s snowfall, I thought it might be a good day to paint boats. The boatyard was deserted of course, so I was able to park in a spot that would likely be off limits in the summer. It gave me a great view down to the water and of the winter sky that was dark blue on the horizon. I sketched the first watercolour on site but the took a few photos before leaving.

While the scene was fresh in my mind, I painted a second scene from home — the view from further back in the boatyard— this time on a half sheet of Arches Rough watercolour paper. The boatyard is quite eerie in winter. The only sounds that can be heard are the black tarps snapping in the wind. Painted with a limited palette of Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Cobalt Blue, Lavender and Chromium Black. And a few dots of red.

48 Comments on “Winter boatyard”

  1. cdeh69 says:

    Shari, I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for these daily postings! I feel like I learn a little something from each! And though this whole pandemic, it’s given me something to look forward to each day! Diane Harvey


  2. C’est magnifique!

  3. Donna says:

    Ah the boatyard!! You have done it again to give the feeling of the day. Referring to your boat workshop, I now know your just put those masts in as you want them., using what you see as a guide. for some reason I find the solitude of these paintings to be restful.

  4. Mary Grasek says:


  5. debraji says:

    Shari, there’s something about the second painting that makes me feel the scene is holding its breath, waiting…that something’s about to come around the corner. The light and shadow and the water shining beyond–it’s quite beautiful.

  6. How wonderfully atmospheric. The sky in the second one is particularly haunting. I can hear the taros flapping. Marvellous paintings and descriptions.

  7. Elaine says:

    Beautiful! They both are ~
    Nice job with a limited palette. I am starting to try that.
    I bet the boat yard is eerie in the winter. Like way too quiet.

  8. Patricia Leffingwell says:

    Your talent and master of watercolors is AMAZING and a delight to the eyes. Your work is exceptional. Your choice of color is beautiful. You only keep getting better and better and you keep me wanting to see more and more of your exquisite paintings. Absolutely stunning! I’m addicted to your post daily. They bring so much joy. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. Every time I think I’ve seen your best painting ever……you top that one and paint another and another even more beautiful than the next as in these two beauties. WOW!

  9. Marilyn Hansen says:

    I love this – I love boats and thanks to you I’ve become good at painting snow in watercolor (we have enough of it here from our recent 3 day Nor’easter!

  10. Betsy says:

    These are beautiful and fascinating.

  11. angmacleod says:

    Both are stunning! Love the skies!!

  12. Denise says:

    What’s left to say, these are stunning! Like stated in some of these previous comments, I look forward each day to see what surprise you have in store for us, and you never disappoint!

  13. Bernadette says:

    I missed seeing this last evening to be delighted and surprised this morning. I stare and try to absorb them, learn from them. Exquisite! It is so good of you to post as often as you do. Thank you for sharing your gifts so freely.

  14. lois says:

    What everyone says…me, too! You put so much detail into your paintings, Shari. I know what Bernadette means when she says stares and tries to absorb them. Beautiful!

  15. You’ve really captured an atmosphere!

  16. I love seeing how you work every day. You are so inspiring.

  17. Carolyn Fitz says:

    I, too, so appreciate and study your sharing Shari❣️>your watercolors are always inspiring …especially how much you convey without fussy details (my problem!) I see you save the white of paper in many places, tho do you use white gouache/or/ ? , in some places, like ice cycles hanging off roof, the tie-downs for the tarps, etc.?
    Thank you for sharing your gifts 💕 Carolyn Fitz /Scotts Valley, Calif.

    • Thanks for writing Carolyn. In answer to your question about the whites, yes, I do use tiny dots of white gouache here and there. Or in this case it might have been Titanium White watercolour.

  18. Linda Murray says:

    Wow!!! These paintings are just gorgeous! Everything- the snow, shadows,boats, buildings! And wow! again, that sky!! Just beautiful!

  19. stephanie defanti says:



  20. Iona says:

    Stunning. You are a master….. skies, snow, boats….. these skies are just luminous! Thank you. Your daily posts are so very inspiring, I’ve been “penciling” and “inking” all week. Now I want to “paint” too! 😊

  21. Rosemary says:

    Ditto to all the above comments Shari. These are exquisite, as are all of your paintings. I too look forward to receiving these in my inbox. Thank you so much for sharing.

  22. Ginny says:

    These are winter skies I dream of painting! Wonderful!

  23. Kathleen Harte Gilsenan says:

    Hi Shari. I have just recently found your blog and truly love your work. Thanks for sharing such wonderful and inspirational images.

  24. You have captured the magic of the moment. The light, the feeling, the colours, the atmosphere, everything is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your work and your love for watercolour.

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