Heather and Joey’s Window

Last evening I travelled all the way to the Outer Hebrides, via WindowSwap, and landed in South Uist, Scotland where I looked through Heather and Joey’s window. On a ridiculously cold day in Montreal (-18°C, but feels like -30°C) it was wonderful to look out of someone else’s window and watch the clouds move across the sky. And because this is actually from someone’s home, a fly crawled across the window but didn’t stay long enough for me to capture it.

22 Comments on “Heather and Joey’s Window”

  1. Marie France Tessier says:

    J’aime beaucoup votre travail,j’ai regardé la démo de Jeudi dernier et j’ai très apprécié. Je ne parle pas anglais si non je prendrais des cours par vidéo. Merci

  2. Carol says:

    feel like I am right there looking at this scene!

  3. Beverley Rankin says:

    How wonderful! So cool to be able to travel like that!

  4. How wonderful. Love the dramatic sky.
    This is a beautiful part of Scotland (I travelled to Uist about 10 years ago).

  5. Roberta says:

    Shari, that is just stunning! I really need to try that window web site!

  6. Judy Sopher says:

    Window Swap a great website. An interesting idea. Always wanted to see Scotland. Your painting really sets a mood. What a sky you captured. Have you been there?

  7. angmacleod says:

    Such a cool idea! Painting someone’s window scape!
    Bruce and I watch iTunes of the outer Isles of Scotland and we just viewed the one from South Uist and North Uist, they also have these amazing highland long horn cows! What a spot to go painting!

    It’s back on our travel list!

  8. What a view! Yours and theirs!

  9. Denise says:

    Learned about “window swap” through one of your posts. It’s been quite the source for a few sketches of my own, thanks!

  10. Chris Rusk says:

    Nice trip 🙂

  11. Gretta Benson says:

    Absolutely beautiful!

  12. Lovely painting. What a fun way to travel!

  13. Nancy Hall says:

    Fun idea!

    Sent from my iPhone


  14. Cindy Wahlstrom says:

    Lovely landscape! It is interesting to see the views from around the world.

  15. Nice painting of the Hebridies, Scotland. It looks pretty green there, despite being way north of Montreal. We get the worst part of the gulf stream in North America. I really like the cloud texture, and how you added some red to the field.

  16. Wow, this is fantastic! Also because… this is, or was, my window! I had no idea that clip was still on windowswap, but how amazing you saw it and what a beautiful watercolour you’ve done too.

    I wonder: my neighbour has since passed away and his wife (who still lives in the house in the picture) would love a copy of this painting. Would you be able to sell a copy to me?

    With thanks,

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