Ice cliffs

On a long drive through Vermont the other day, these incredible ice formations caught my eye. Of course I couldn’t paint them on the spot, but I opened the window and snapped a few photos from the moving car. I often do that, and even though the photos are usually useless, there are occasionally one or two that are good enough to use as painting reference, and often the randomness of the composition is quite interesting.

I painted this one wet-in-wet, hoping that the dampness of the paper would allow both soft and hard edges of the ice to work together. Painted on a quarter sheet of Fabriano CP paper.

31 Comments on “Ice cliffs”

  1. TonyU says:

    Lovely painting …. but the ones from Florida made me feel a lot warmer!

  2. dankillebrew says:

    I also often snap some shot while running down the highway. I love the farms in Missouri and Kansas. Recently I’ve done some painting from photos taken on those touristy train rides in South Dakota and in North Carolina. So shooting like crazy has its merits. Thanks for sharing.

  3. karim waked says:

    Very cool and beautiful Shari

    514 9944433

  4. Sue Anne Bottomley says:

    Looks pretty much like ice cliffs in New Hampshire. My favorite spot is where the ice is green from copper deposits, I guess. I think you captured that well.

    Sent from my iPad


  5. susie langley says:

    REALLY LIKE THIS ONE. Thanks Shari.

  6. Marilyn Hansen says:

    This is beautiful! I love your snow paintings. I would say the wet on wet definitely worked!
    Love your Winter Workshop as well Shari. I’ll be a master at snow in no time (I hope)!

  7. gaelle1947 says:

    Gorgeous! Your paintings make me love ALL seasons!

  8. Zooming in there are so many luminous colors in the rocks. Beautifully captured!

  9. This is reallly well done snd beautiful!!!!

  10. Chris Rusk says:

    I might be repeating myself…I don’t think my comment ‘sended’ 😉

    Your painting is absolutely gorgeous! The light is especially stunning.

  11. Leslie Blackwell says:

    The light is beautiful. Lovely!

  12. Thierry Kaczmarek says:

    Très beau comme toujours

  13. Gail Jones says:

    I love the way you get the wonderful shadowing on the snow. I plan to get back into the courses I have bought from you and they include the snow tutorial which I am excited about.

    • I painted this wet-in-wet because I wanted to get that sharp edge between the ice in shadow and the snow on the top edges. It as a bit of a technical challenge but I think it works. I hope you enjoy the snow course!

  14. Interesting Ice Formations!!

  15. Judy Sopher says:

    Just found this.Love it.

  16. Betsy says:

    Oh my, that is very successful. Beautifully done

  17. Paola says:

    Love this, you are so good….

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