My favourite tree, version 6

I’ve captured the colours of my favourite maple tree a little later than usual this year, as it veers from yellow to orange. I paint this tree every autumn because of its perfect domed shape, although sometimes I don’t manage to get the whole thing on the page. You can see some other sketches of it here or here or here or here.

13 Comments on “My favourite tree, version 6”

  1. Denise says:

    This tree, and your wheelbarrow, are legendary! Love how you capture the glow of this lucky tree.

  2. Evelyn says:

    Love everyone of your versions of this tree!

  3. joantav says:

    It is fun to look back at your other versions of this tree. Wonderful colors this year!

  4. Oh Shari, this is by far the winner – such glorious colours!

  5. Bart van Kempen says:

    What a nice tradition. They are ALL beautiful. My Fav is 2016.
    Always look forward to reading what you are up to…. pushes some of the negativity of some of the daily news out of the way…thanks for that.

  6. miatagrrl says:

    Thank you for the links to the past series of this tree — I love seeing them all! (I think you did that for me!) I have a couple of favorite trees I try to sketch in the fall every year. It’s so interesting to see how different the colors are from year to year, or the dates that they peak in color. I missed one of my favorite trees completely this year… it’s almost bald now. 🙁

  7. notoneliner says:

    The tree is changing it’s colors !

  8. okaypolliwog says:

    I love this sequence – masterfully done!


  9. Very nice!!!

  10. Uma Maheswar Nakka says:

    Good Evening Shari,

    Very beautiful sketch, lovely to look at .

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