Carré St. Louis Victorian

One of my favourite downtown Montreal places to sketch is Carré St. Louis. There’s a row of Victorian-style houses with painted trim that I’ve sketched often, like this one with the red door or this one with the purple door. I haven’t sketched the one with the turquoise trim in ages, but the second story details are so much fun that I used it as a reference for a demo in a Zoom class I was teaching this morning. It always feels odd to me to teach urban sketching from a photo, but I try to approach the subject the same way I would if I was teaching on location. And this week in Quebec, there does seem to be a little light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, so maybe in-person teaching will happen soon too.

Sketched in pen and watercolour in a Handbook Watercolour Journal.

45 Comments on “Carré St. Louis Victorian”

  1. lois says:

    I would so love to peek inside this house. It looks beautiful, Shari.

  2. jai63ans says:

    Wow, love the colours!

  3. Carol says:

    love this

  4. Marilyn says:

    Oh that is so perfect. I loved that area too. What sketchbook do you use? It looks like a perfect size

  5. Jérôme Guenette says:

    Very nice!
    Le carré St-Louis est un lieu historique important pour Montréal!

  6. Lori says:

    Hi Shari
    SO grateful for your work. You’ve transported me “home”. I moved West many years ago, but part of my soul will always be in Montreal. Rather than making me homesick, your work makes my heart sing for the city I’ll always love. Your “Mostly Montreal” book has been a wonderful companion. Thank you again.

  7. Vita Churchill says:

    Gorgeous! Vita

  8. ink2art says:

    especially love this one!

  9. Cindy Wahlstrom says:

    All three are gorgeous!

  10. Pegret Harrison says:

    Oh my gosh…your houses are stunning..thank you for sharing….do you teach on line? I take a lot of Ian Fanelly’ s classes….and would be interested in learning from you. I just moved from Sanibel Island to Cape Coral in SW Florida….


  11. susie langley says:

    Love the old Victorian buildings …very colorful!

  12. Donna Thibodeau says:

    It is so detailed as a whole but simplified in pieces. I love your work!

  13. IRENE Reinhold says:

    Fabulous as always

  14. stephanie defanti says:

    Love this Shari!! Could this be on on line class too??? Steph


  15. Sharon Monson says:

    Very nice. The colors are great. How can I find out about your zoom classes? I don’t think I’ve seen them advertised.

  16. D says:

    Beautiful! Love the colors! Lots of detail down to the reflections in the windows.

  17. lise says:

    very nice colours!

  18. Carolyn Fitz says:

    Inspiring sketch ‘watercolor❣️ Looks quick/spontaneous/loose >great overall…looks like you had fun doing it❣️❣️ Thanks for sharing Shari!

  19. Laura Kate says:

    I love all the detail you captured. The palette is lively.

  20. Tricia says:

    Absolutely love this. Gorgeous architectural detail and colours!

  21. Carol Cooney says:

    Doors, doors, doors, love them all.

  22. TonyU says:

    Love the building and the sketch. And fingers crossed for you on an early return to in person teaching!

    • Thanks Tony. Me too. Things are certainly looking better here. There is an actual reopening plan now and we can see friends in the backyard next week. Hope all is well there too.

  23. I have wonderful memories of slipping on the concrete and you taking me to the pharmacy in the middle of your lesson. U R 2 kind . . .

  24. Beverley Rankin says:

    Just gorgeous, Shari!

  25. This is great!!! I love the turquoise trim.

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